Persons of the Year

  • If you haven't seen it, Bill and Melinda Gates were named Persons of the Year along with Bono by Time Magazine. This is the award that one of the most widely read news magazines gives out each year to those who have had an amazing impact on the world over the previous year. Past winners have included many US Presidents, Jeff Bezos, Andy Grove, Pope John Paul II, as well as quite a few "less desirable" people such as the Ayatullah Khomeini (1979), Stalin, and Hitler.

    I first heard of this on Slashdot, where you can imagine the contentious nature of this choice. I, however, think this is a great choice. I don't think that any other CEO would have acted much differently in building their business. But not many of them would have acted as charitably as Mr. Gates has done over the last couple decades. He has given or pledged $34 Billion to his foundation to help fight disease and promote education.

    That's a big B and it's way more than anyone else, even by percentage of wealth measurements. It's more in line with some of the great US industrialists early in the 20th century. And his goal is to give 90% of his wealth away at death.

    It's a great goal and one to be admired. If more leaders of industry follow this example in the future, the world will be a much better place!

    Steve Jones

  • Steve,

    I do not believe you can say "...don't think that any other CEO would have acted much differently in building their business.", because there are some people out in the world that have all ready attained a level of humility that you are just NOW seeing in Bill Gates.

    Maybe God let him make this money, because God all ready had a plan for the money.

    As my mother always says, "I give God all the glory, not me or him or her."

    God Bless,


    Thomas LeBlanc, MVP Data Platform Consultant

  • Bill and Melinda are doing extremely good things with their fortune.  I have had several discussions with my kids about "What would you do if..." you had all the money in the world, you could fly, what kind of super powers would you want to have; and I have pointed out what the Gates foundation can and does to improve the human condition.  I could sail a yacht, or buy a Formula 1 team, but truely making a differebce in the worl is a pretty admirable legacy,

  • They must have missed my nomination for the SQLCENTRAL jedi council as people of the year.

    Some musings regarding the choice. 

    I think Time was hedging their bets.  Almost afraid to make a choice.

    Or possibly Bill bet Melinda that he could get her on the cover of Time magazine, with probably her favourite band.

    Sometimes I get too 'wag the dog'.  But nothing surprises me anymore. not even disco coming back.













  • This is the award the one of the most widely read news magazines gives out each year to those that have had an amazing impact on the world over the previous year.

    How about instead


    This is the award that one of the most widely read news magazines gives out each year to those who have had an amazing impact on the world over the previous year.

  • It's easy to hate the rich guy.  I am old enough to remember when he wasn't.  It was a joy to applaud the underdogs: Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs....  IBM had a lock on our world of computers.  Amdahl created a look-alike machine and IBM built in “black boxes” that made their OS not work on the competitive hardware.  Do you really think that IBM would have opened their bag of tricks for us if not for the likes of these individuals?


    Thank you Bill Gates… you’re the man some have learned to hate!  Shoot!  IBM is the underdog nowJ  Keep up the good work!  There’s more to be done.


    david russell

  • Having stated in a previous editorial that I don't believe that Bill Gates was that influential, I stand corrected.  As much as I dislike (disdain is more like it) Microsoft in general, I have a good deal of respect for Mr. Gates and his wife.  I'm not a big fan of Bono either but I have to admit that he has used his notoriety to good effect.  That being said I believe that Time generally has good judgement and in this case it is exceptional.  So no big argument or controversy as far as I'm concerned.  Congrats to the trio and hope they keep up the good work.



    Kindest Regards,

    Scott Beckstead

    "We cannot defend freedom abroad by abandoning it here at home!"
    Edward R. Murrow

  • I was definitely rooting for Bill when Janet Reno was getting all over his case (how I detest the arrogance of government thugs). Alas US and EU have more guns than MS does.



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