Linked Server 2005 back to 2000 - How ?

  • I'm trying to set up linked servers on my 2005 box back to my 2000 box. I don't quite "get" all the variables for the different connection options.  Is there a "basic" setup of options I should choose ??


  • The only things that I set differently than default are the RPC & RPC out server options.  By default these are set to False.  We do quite a bit of cross server communication so we need the ability to do remote procedure calls (RPC).  One other thing I set is the security.  We connect to all servers based on a data reader login & then if an admin needs more rights, we setup a local server login & map it to another sql server login.  99% of our cross server communication can be handled by the data reader login.

    Just incase you haven't come across this, for a SQL 2005 box to communicate with a SQL 2000 box, you need to run instcat.sql on the 2000 box.  Run the InstCat.sql found in the folder of the latest service pack you have installed.  If you don't do this, you won't be able to query the 2000 box from the 2005 box.



  • I came across a reference to InstCat elsewhere, but wasn't sure about it.  I'm looking at it now, and it runs about a million commands !!  A little scary looking

  • Yeah, it does do quite a bit of stuff.  I didn't have any issues on the 12 servers I had to run it on.  It has to be done if you want to communicate with the sql 2005 box.


  • Would there be any impact running instcat.sql on a 2000 active passive cluster?

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