Help on grouping

  • Hi,


    I have table ABC with following values in it.

    RecID - Identity: Record ID

    MemNo - Char(20): Membership Number

    DateCalled-DateTime: Dated called

    Here, for a given MemNo, there can be more than one record for a given date. A typical days record will look like below.






    Now, what I need to select is, for every MemNo, only the last called record. In other words, I need to select every Membership number for a given day of the only the last called record.


    Please help me. Thanks in advance.

  • try this

    select a.RecID,a.MemNo,a.DateCalled from ABC a inner join

    (select MemNo,max(DateCalled) as maxdate from ABC

     Group by MemNo) b

    on a.MemNo=b.MemNo and a.DateCalled=b.maxdate

  • you can add Givendate to where clause like this

    Declare @Givendate datetime

    set @GivenDate='10/09/2006'

    select a.RecID,a.MemNo,a.DateCalled from grTest a inner join

    (select MemNo,max(DateCalled) as maxdate from grTest

     where convert(varchar,DateCalled,101)=convert(varchar,@GivenDate,101)

     Group by MemNo) b

    on a.MemNo=b.MemNo and a.DateCalled=b.maxdate

  • Thanks a lot Gopi


    Its working perfect.

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