Update site to show ownership

  • Since Red-Gate is now the owner of SQL Server Central, I believe the site's pages should show them as the owner. Right now the only thing is that the "Site supported by Red Gate software". I feel there should be something visible showing Red-Gate SQL Server Central or something else reflecting their ownership, not just that they support it.


  • Agreed. I also support this site, but I don't see much of the money that comes in every month .

  • What - are you not getting all the checks that SSC mails to you every month...maybe they have your address wrong..

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • I'll be sure to get that fixed first time in the morning !

  • I agree with this too.  It's just using semantics to alter the message, so it should say 'Owned by'.

    Or 'Pwned by', which would obviously be hilarious and we could all have a laugh.

    Another point, I love how the newsletters are now 'sponsored' by Red Gate products.  That's brilliant, that is.

  • Interesting.....Red-Gate bought the site and yet the site still does not reflect their ownership.


  • I'm curious - is it the principle of the thing or are you merely wondering why it hasn't happened ?!

    Maybe SSC and RG mututally decided that flamboyantly advertising ownership may take away from the unbiased flavour of this site and make it seem more like a propaganda site...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • My issue is that the only thing I see on the page is the Supported by Red-Gate software. I don't scroll all the way down to see the copywrite information, etc. This isn't truly an independent site - it is owned by a company that allows it to ACT independently. Might be semantics-but it's still two different things. The header of each page makes it appear that this is still an independent site and is only SUPPORTED by RedGate through their software.


  • Bill,

    We're talking about this and debating what the best way to proceed is. I see both sides of the arguement and we're not ignoring you.

  • No problem. You won't hear from me anymore about this. I've had my say and you are considering it. That's all I ask.



  • Steve et al,

    THANK YOU. I know I 'gave you a hard time' and was probably 'being a pain in the ...', but you listened. The change happened and even though it is a small change, it's an important (in my opinion) change. I like the 'a community service from: red-gate SQL Server Tools'.


  • Glad you like it and I appreciate the criticism. It helps make this a great community.

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