Reporting Services

  • I wish to call reports of sql server 2005 from VB 6.0

    Its urgent pse

  • add a new form to your app, put a browser on it and navigate to the reports.  you can fill in parameters in a query string on the URL to the report.

  • I wish to have the command/code of connecting vb to sql server 2005 reports

  • open a new Visual Basic 6 project

    add a component from the Project/Components menu Microsoft Internet Controls

       this will add a web browser component to your toolbar

    put the new WebBrowser component on your form it will have a default name of WebBrowser1

    call the Navigate2 method of the WebBrowser1 object and pass in the URL to your report server

    WebBrowser1.Navigate2 "http://MyReportServer/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx"

    when the web page has finished loading, the WebBrowser1 object will throw the DocumentComplete event for you

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