passing session data as a parameter into a multi parameter report

  • Hello group

    I am using SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services.

    I need to pass in 1 piece of session state data (or from a cookie) into a report which has 2 user selectable drop downs that are filled based on the Users cookie data.

    Is there a way to pass the data into the report such that the drop downs are properly created based on the cookie data?

    Thanx in advance


  • Yes create a 3rd paramanter which will hold user data. Hide that parmater from the user but make the user selectable drop downs dinamic from the hidden one. To hide one and not the other 2 is kind of tricky. after you put it all togeather , go to the xml and put an empty space between to prompt tags for the paramater you want to hide. build from the xml screen. If you go back to design view it will blow up. 

  • I'm confused why this blows up on you. We use hidden parameters quite frequently, for things like userid, etc., and also dynamically build the datasets of the other dropdowns based on them. No manually editing the .rdl file needed. Am I missing something that you're doing differently?

  • Answer found - There was a trick to it and it can only be done if reporting services is post Sevice pack 1.

    Normally hiding the variable makes it "read only" meaning you cannot pass in a value.

    However, with the release of service pack 1, you can leave the variable UNHIDDEN and delete the prompt. This will cause Reporting services to not display a field prompt yet allow you to pass in data via post or URL.

    Note however that the report will ONLY run via passed in parameter now - you will get an error stating so if you try to run it.

    I did not have to modify the rdl XML at all.



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