jump to url with view state object information?

  • Hi all,

    I am not sure what happened to the post I thought I submitted it, but it seems not right.  If it's doubled, please forgive me. 

    I am not quite sure I can find answer here or not, but I really appreciate your insight or please let me know where do you think is the best place to post.

    I am trying to pass a field value from reporting services to url using jump to url.  but the problem is thie target page (a .net page) doesn't process the field from the url.

    The .net side process is like this:

    The user select a criteria catogory on the home page. Let's say the user picks product.  Then he/she will be taken to a page that has a text box expecting user's input like product_number.  After the user entered a product_number, the page will show the detailed info of the specific product on the screen. - but the address bar is exactly the same as before.  That's why I think I am not able to pass the field to this page to show specific product info.

    The .net application is using viewstate to retain the user's type-in.  How can I pass the field value through viewstate in the url?  or I actually can't do that?

    Your help is very much appreciated,

  • Hi all,

    What I thought is too complicated.  I just need to pass the field value from my dataset to the url.  I mean write an expression to insert the field value in it.

    But I have tried for 1 hour and never get it right.  Could someone please help me out?

    the link looks somethingn like:


    The problem is it won't work if I want to dynamically pass the department value as field!department.value instead of hard coded. 

    What is the correct syntax to insert the field value in the url?

    your help is very much appreciated,

  • Type this in the jump to url field...

    ="http://sever99/folder1/page1.aspx?profitCenter=100&department=" & field!department.value

    and that should do it.


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • I thank you very much for the big help.  It worked!! 

    I was sort of using the similar way to concatenate them, but I either put the double qoutes outside the = sign or did something wierd.


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