unable to delete filegroup

  • Any ideas?

    I have 2 filegroups in a database. I moved all the data to primary filegroup, deleted the data files from the filegroups. sql server 2000 does not let me remove the filegroup even though there are no datafiles in those 2 filegroups. It gives me an error message.

    Msg 5042, Level 16, State 8, Line 1

    The filegroup 'FG_2005Q2' cannot be removed because it is not empty.

    sp_helpfilegroup - as you can see the groupname, groupid and filecount.

    PRIMARY          1      1

    Dimensions       2      1

    FG_2005Q2       3      0

    FG_2005Q3       5      0

    FG_2005Q4       6      1

    FG_2006Q1       7      1

    FG_2006Q2       8      1

  • there is still the brutal force way of doing it:

    sp_configure 'allow updates',1


    reconfigure with override


    use (your database)

    delete from sysfilegroups where groupname ='(your filegroup)


    sp_configure 'allow updates',0


    reconfigure with override


    but before doing that make a full backup of your db.



  • I am worried about DB corruption. It's a production database 450GB in size.

    Thanks for the idea. I can try it on dev and see if it works.

    When I restore the db on dev using "with move", it does not recognize the 2 filegroups. So maybe the are not a part of the database anymore.

  • It can also be that a restart of the SQL Server service solve the problem.

    But it is always a good idea to try it on a test machine first. I've done it once and it has worked fine.

  • you have to remove individual files within the filegroup before you can remove the filegroup itself.

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