Job Fails When Run Automatically

  • Hello,

    I am trying to help a user that created a Job. The job runs a DTS package. When the user manually executes the Job, the Job runs fine (the DTS package executes without problems).

    When the Job runs automatically per the configured scedule, the job fails. In the Job history, the following appears;

    'DTSTask_DTSCreateProcessTask_2':  Process.  The step failed.

    What can I do to begin to troubleshoot so that I can figure out why the DTS package fails when executed by a Job (automatically)?



  • Enable package logging and look at the log after the job runs as scheduled.  The problem is probably permissions because scheduled jobs are run under the security context of the login account that runs SQL Server Agent.  When the user manually runs the job, it runs under his or her security context.



  • Thank you for your help. I will check into this.


  • If possible Terminal into the Server or Logon to the server with the account that SQL Agent uses and try running it manually that will tell you what kind of permission issues that SQL Agent account has.



  • You can use EM to get more info on the reason of the failure. In Enterprise Manager go to SQL Agent-> Jobs. Right-click on the failing job, choose 'View Job History' and check the box 'Show step details'. That will tell you in what step and why it failed.

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