Subscription Setup Issue w/ strange error msg.

  • I'm having this issue setting up a push trans subscription for a 2000 instance from a publication on a 2005 instance.

    The Error:

    "The concurrent snapshot for publication 'BetaDB01' is not available because it has not been fully generated or the Log Reader Agent is not running to activate it. If generation of the concurrent snapshot was interrupted, the Snapshot Agent for the publica"


    Yes that is the exact error message it appears to chop off at "publica" with nothing more to scroll down or view details on.

    Same Physical machine with Windows 2003 Server SP1. But with two instances of SQL Server Installed.  One is SS2000 w/SP3 Version 8.0.818  The other is running SS2005 9.0.1399

    I have another publication setup on the SS2005 instance for a totally different database AlphaDB01 and a push trans subscription on the SS2000 for this and it works fine.  I'm trying to setup the same thing but for BetaDB01.

    After I complete all the steps to setup the Subscription in the same way that AlphaDB01 is setup it gives the above error.  The Subscription appears in the treeview below the Publication node for BetaDB01 and the Replication monitor shows a status of completed for the snapshot agent and the log reader agent is running.  I've tried to reinitialize, I've stopped and started the agent etc.

    This is a development environment so there is no critical data on the SS2000 instance in the BetaDB01.  My next thought is to drop the BetaDB01 and recreate it.

    *Note I have tested a DTS export/import from SS2005 -> SS2000 and the BetaDB01 takes it just fine and appears to work.

    If anyone can provide some constructive ideas it would be greatly appreciated.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I had the same situation (transactional replication from SQL 2005 to SQL 2000), the same error message and a huge waste of time.

    The solution was to delete the source database and recreate it from backup with different name (maybe different name is unnecessary, but I renamed it).

    After that replication has been established with no problem.

  • I was able to get this working using the same names but I had to also drop the subscription database. 


  • I have this same problem.

    Logread.exe is running, we have dropped the subscription database and given it a different name but we still get the message "The concurrent snapshot for publication is not available because it has not been fully generated or the Log Reader Agent is not running to activate it..."

    The snapshot is created fine as far as I can tell but it doesn't replicate.

    I have also run sp_replicationdboption 'icm_blah','publish','False' manually to delete the publications

    This is running on a SQL 2005 cluster in the UK with 2 nodes Active /Passive with the replication to a single SQL 2005 machine in Germany.

    We have tested another database and this works perfectly.

    All machines have been rebooted.....

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • I recieved the same error message after we did a restore from a backup. after several days of dropping the publication and subscriptions with no positive result, I deleted the distributor, then reconfigured distributor, publication, and subscription.

    It works great now!

  • PLease, how do you reconfigure the subsriber?


  • I receive similar error from time to time.

    I solve problem by

    dropping all publicatins and disabling publication and distribution and then recreating these all.

    I do not do a restore of the database.

  • err that means that the snapshot isn't completed yet and that you should wait until it is done.

    also if you are using 'For Replication Only' or whatever mode, snapshot won't work or won't be sent to any subscriber. That option is geared towards p2p.

    .: SQL Backup Admin Tool[/url] :.

  • Hi,

    Fist try to restart the agent SQL.

    It's worked for me.


  • In my case the table dbo.MSsubscriptions in the DISTRIBUTION DB had corrupted for the particular replicated DB. What I did was to delete every entry in the table for the specific REPLICATED DB then ran the SP_REMOVEDBREPLICATION <DATABASE> and then recreated the replica...

    This fixed the problem which basically in line with what others are recommending only that I only dropped the specific DB replicas, probably even a more specific deletion of records would be ok... but I only had that one replica on that Db so just made sense...

  • just to confirm the solution above from MIKE worked perfectly

    much quicker than having to rebuild my distribution database from scratch!!!


  • I'd also like to confirm that Mike's solution worked perfectly.

    Untill I reached this thread I was trying out all sort of things but my replication wasn't working.

    As soon as I was done with Mike's solution and recreated my Publisher and Subscriber it started working just like magic.

    Thanks Mike 😀

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