DTS Object Error

  • I am having a problem with one of my packages. I have a package that runs fine on my machine, but fails on the second task on the sever. Let me explain what the package does.

    SQL Task 1

    Drops existing table.

    Creates new table.


    DROP TABLE cub_bu_summary

    DECLARE @code varchar(6),@CreateStr NVARCHAR(2000)

    SET @CreateStr = 'CREATE TABLE [cub_bu_summary] (

    [consmonth] datetime NULL,

    [billcode] char (6) NULL,'

    DECLARE stat_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT code FROM cub_stat_codes Where bu_summary = 1 ORDER BY code

    OPEN stat_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM stat_cursor

    INTO @code



    Set @CreateStr = @CreateStr + '[' + @code + '] decimal (16,2) NULL,'

    SELECT @CreateStr

    FETCH NEXT FROM stat_cursor

    INTO @code


    CLOSE stat_cursor

    DEALLOCATE stat_cursor

    DECLARE stat_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT code FROM cub_stat_codes Where bu_summary_ct = 1 ORDER BY code

    OPEN stat_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM stat_cursor

    INTO @code



    Set @CreateStr = @CreateStr + '[' + @code + '_ct] decimal (16) NULL,'

    SELECT @CreateStr

    FETCH NEXT FROM stat_cursor

    INTO @code


    SET @CreateStr = LEFT(LTRIM(RTRIM(@CreateStr)),LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(@CreateStr)))-1)

    SET @CreateStr = @CreateStr + ')'

    SELECT @CreateStr

    EXEC sp_executesql @CreateStr

    CLOSE stat_cursor

    DEALLOCATE stat_cursor


    Data Pump Task 1

    Loads Data.

    SQL Task 2

    Updates existing columns.

    The above package runs fine when being executed from a client machine, but fails on the Data pump task when exectued from the server. I get the following error when executing the package from the server.

    Invalid object name 'Table I create in the first SQL task'

    I look in to the database and the table didn't get created! But the task said it completed successfully! I run the same SQL that is in task 1 and it works fine from SQL Server Query Analyzer. I have also recreated the package on the server and the same thing happens.

    Any feedback will be appreciated.


  • Give the client, that activates the DTS Pkg, system administrator permission on your SQL server then give it a try. It sounds like security.




    Applications Developer

  • also the SQLAgentCmdExec user may need to be a member of the sysadmin group on your sql server...

    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • SQLAgentCmdExec has nothing to do with a called package that is under the right of the user.

    Depending on the users rights they may have created the table but under there user name instead of dbo. Make sure when the table is created it is qualified as dbo.tablename. Also have the user try creating the table logged in as themselves with QA to see what happens. You should in no way need to give them admin rights or even db_owner rights to the server just create table permissions.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Well I got it working! I don't know what did it. Things like this tend to frustate the hell outta me. Fixing something and not knowing what exactly fixed it. Heres what I did. Everything I did centered around my first task. I figured that something inside the the task was not working and error was not being reported. So I changed the Create to:


    DROP TABLE cub_bu_summary

    DECLARE @code varchar(6),@CreateStr NVARCHAR(2000)

    SET @CreateStr = 'CREATE TABLE [WPPI_HDWH].[dbo].[cub_bu_summary] (

    [consmonth] datetime NULL,

    [billcode] char (6) NULL,'

    didn't work!

    So I figured something was happening in my @CreateStr. So I made it simpler.

    DROP TABLE cub_bu_summary

    DECLARE @code varchar(6),@CreateStr NVARCHAR(3000)

    SET @CreateStr = 'CREATE TABLE [WPPI_HDWH].[dbo].[cub_bu_summary] (

    [consmonth] datetime NULL,

    [billcode] char (6) NULL)'

    EXEC sp_executesql @CreateStr

    DECLARE stat_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT code FROM cub_stat_codes Where bu_summary = 1 ORDER BY code

    OPEN stat_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM stat_cursor

    INTO @code



    Set @CreateStr = 'ALTER TABLE [WPPI_HDWH].[dbo].[cub_bu_summary] ADD [' + @code + '] decimal (16,2) NULL'

    EXEC sp_executesql @CreateStr

    FETCH NEXT FROM stat_cursor

    INTO @code


    CLOSE stat_cursor

    DEALLOCATE stat_cursor

    DECLARE stat_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT code FROM cub_stat_codes Where bu_summary_ct = 1 ORDER BY code

    OPEN stat_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM stat_cursor

    INTO @code



    Set @CreateStr = 'ALTER TABLE [WPPI_HDWH].[dbo].[cub_bu_summary] ADD [' + @code + '_ct] decimal (16) NULL'

    EXEC sp_executesql @CreateStr

    FETCH NEXT FROM stat_cursor

    INTO @code


    CLOSE stat_cursor

    DEALLOCATE stat_cursor


    It works fine now.

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