Images and reportviewer problem

  • I've narrowed the problem down to where I can replicate it but not solve it...

    My application uses the reportviewer to show reports within my aspx application.

    I can view the images (logo in header and graph) find through the Report Manager and the reportviewer.

    But if hit the refresh button on the toolbar of the report within the reportviewer, I lose both images until I hit the refresh button on the toolbar from the Report Manager.

    Then to get the images back in the report for the reportviewer, I have to view the report from the Report Manager first.

    Any ideas?

    btw, this is with embedded and external references.

    UPDATE: Now the above steps does not show the images in the report viewer either. I can only see images from the "Report Manager"

  • Upon further digging, I found this to be the problem but I do not know how to fix it:




    The report server supports several multi-stream formats that can be used to render a report. These formats include HTML3.2 and HTML4.0. MHTML, PDF, and Excel formats render reports in a single stream. When using the multi-stream formats, the first stream contains the HTML; subsequent streams contain images and other external resources. This error occurs when the report server cannot find a stream that contains images or external resources.

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    Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this issue?

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