EVault Backup Plug-in

  • I have been evaluating SQL LiteSpeed and am very impressed. But, my boss wants my opinion on a solution with a SQL plug-in called EVault. http://www.evault.com/Datasheets/plugin_sqlServer.pdf

    I don't know much about it, but it looks to me like it is a software/hardware solution used as a replacement for tape backups.

    The SQL plug-in piece looks similar to the plug-ins you can get for ArcServe or BackupExec and I have only had bad experiences with them.

    I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the EVault SQL plugin, or if they get the same impression I do.

    One of the thing that my boss doesn't like about LiteSpeed is that it is command line only. Has anyone heard of any plans to have a gui interface?

    Thanks for your opinions,


    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Check with them how do they perform online open file/database backup and ensure their solution is supported by Microsoft. I understand they use open file manager (OFM) to temporarily take a snap shot to the database files and then backup to a large storage such as SAN.

    OFM is provided by St. Bernard and used by many backup applications.

  • I had a meeting with the Litespeed guys and they are working on a GUI to go with their product. Expect to see pre-release (beta) code anyday.

    I wouldn't let the command line scare you. I've moved a bunch of databases to new servers and with a few attemps, it becomes very easy to write the code.

    Couple hints. Keep the license and code with the backups, makes it simple. Also, there is an extractor utility that will extract the backup file into the format that EM can read.

    Steve Jones




  • The command line is not bad, it doesn't scare me, just my boss. Also, it would be easy to write scripts or a VB front end if needed.

    Evidently, we are going to use EVault system to backup on our new accounting system that goes live this fall.


    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

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