Print reports automatically from URL

  • Is there a way to have a report print automatically when accessed via the URL. I can get the report to generate and display but cannot get it to print.

    I would prefer to use PDF output but really don't care what format if I can get it to print without the user having to do a manual print once the report is displayed in whatever format is used.



    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!,

    Don Urquhart

  • Don,

    First, you can encode within URL the way to render report. For PDF it will look like


    By default it renders into HTML and unless it is formatted to fit the page print outs are not good (you have to deal with page breaks, out of margins, etc.) and not recommended.

    PDF is much better, you just need to design your report to fit the page size you are going to use. Use preview mode of VS Report Designer (rendered as PDF).

    I needed user input what printer to use, so my solution was to open IE, direct it to report URL, execute Print in JavaScript function when document loaded into browser. Browser automatically recognizes PDF and Acrobat Reader printing options dialog shows up.

    Direct printing is NOT straight forward. You have to implement some interfaces and extend Reporting Services. Refer "Implementing a Delivery Extension" and "Deploying the Printer Delivery Sample" in Help.

    I has not a chance to try it yet, so have no recommendations.

    Good luck

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