SQL Server Service Pack 3

  • I am trying to upgrade some test SQL Servers to SP3 but I keep getting this error. Any one know the fix or seen this before:

    [TCP/IP Sockets]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

    [TCP/IP Sockets]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

    The install than fails with an error asking me to verify that I provided a valid sa password. I did.

  • If you are using sa account make sure your server security is configured to allow both sql and windows accts. Also try change the utility to Named Pipes


  • Check setup log from c:\winnt\sqlsp.log.

  • I thought this was mentioned in the SP3a article. This was one of the bugs fixed

  • Try update MDAC, most resent version is MDAC 2.7 SP1.

    Jari Lehessaari

    Jari Lehessaari

  • Hello,

    don't use MDAC 2.7 Sp1. Use MDAC 2.7 Sp2 or SQL2000 SP3a and read the notes.



  • Another possibility:

    I had this once where the culprit was the ISA client. For some reason the update program tried to connect to the database through the firewall Other programs did not have this problem. Disabling the ISA client during the upgrade solved it.

  • I had this problem and I fixed it by making the user account that runs the SQL service a member of the administrator group. I was trying to run the service with less than full rights on a test box.

  • We went round and round with a similar problem back in January. I stumbled on the following way to make it work: On each client, I ran the Client Network Utility and moved Named Pipes in front of the TCP/IP protocol. Don't know why this worked, since the server is set to listen on BOTH. I posted questions on this site but didn't get a useful response. (Problems were compounded by the fact that we were upgrading from SQL 7 to 2000 at the same time.)

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