Variable Issue

  • I have this command line and I need said that '@@' can be any number between 01 and 99

    how I do that ?


    this is the command i'm trying.

    select @dateS = substring(datex,1,2)+substring(datex,3,2)+substring(datex,5,2)+'00'+'.'+@@+'S' from dates

  • Hi Nelson,


    I have this command line and I need said that '@@' can be any number between 01 and 99

    how I do that ?


    this is the command i'm trying.

    select @dateS = substring(datex,1,2)+substring(datex,3,2)+substring(datex,5,2)+'00'+'.'+@@+'S' from dates

    are you looking for a way to assign a random number to @@ ?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • nao, nao e' randon number

    the number can be something between 01 and 99

    how I do that, how I change that @@ to make sql understand that can be any number between 01 and 99.


  • Ex: suppose the number found is 15

    so I need it understand 15.S

  • quote:

    Ex: suppose the number found is 15

    so I need it understand 15.S

    so, you have declared @@? As what? I guess SQL Server will interpret as int unless otherwise forced to.

    But what are you doing?

    You're stripping days, months, and years from a date value?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • What I'm doing is.

    other server creates a TXT file from all records and save it as ex: file name 07300300.15S, so what I need to do is look for that file and upload it into SQL server

    but that '15S' can be 25S 35S wherever number between 01 and 99.

    declare @dateS char(24)

    declare @@ char(2)

    select @dateS = substring(datex,1,2)+substring(datex,3,2)+substring(datex,5,2)+'00'+'.'+@@+'S' from dates

    declare @file1 char(20)

    select @dateS = 'e:\smdr\'+@dateS

    select @file1 = @dateS

    declare @sql varchar(100)

    set @SQL ='BULK INSERT MIR FROM ''' + @file1 + ''' with (CODEPAGE = ''RAW'',ROWTERMINATOR = ''\n'',TABLOCK)'

    exec (@SQL)

  • You want something like a wildcard to match filenames. Don't think that is possible with BULK INSERT.

    The only way I can think of is using xp_cmdshell, checking if a file exists and returning a value accordingly.

  • Hi Nelson,


    What I'm doing is.

    other server creates a TXT file from all records and save it as ex: file name 07300300.15S, so what I need to do is look for that file and upload it into SQL server

    but that '15S' can be 25S 35S wherever number between 01 and 99.

    declare @dateS char(24)

    declare @@ char(2)

    select @dateS = substring(datex,1,2)+substring(datex,3,2)+substring(datex,5,2)+'00'+'.'+@@+'S' from dates

    declare @file1 char(20)

    select @dateS = 'e:\smdr\'+@dateS

    select @file1 = @dateS

    declare @sql varchar(100)

    set @SQL ='BULK INSERT MIR FROM ''' + @file1 + ''' with (CODEPAGE = ''RAW'',ROWTERMINATOR = ''\n'',TABLOCK)'

    exec (@SQL)

    I agree with Noel.

    You should utilize xp_cmdshell to look for the file, and if it exists load it



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Here is some code that will create a temporary table with the filenames that match a filespec. (Note that the filename do NOT contain the path.) You can use any of several methods (cursor, loop, etc.) to process each of the files in the table.

    set nocount on

    create table #tblFile ( sFilename varchar(255) )

    insert into #tblFile exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dir /b c:\*.*'

    select * from #tblFile

    drop table #tblFile

    set nocount off

    On another subject...can someone tell me a good reason for not being able to EXEC records into the new "table" type variable?

  • Hi there,

    today I've stumbled over an (undocumented?) xp. XP_DIRTREE and some sample code

    CREATE TABLE #dir(datei_dir varchar(255), tiefe int, ist_datei int)
    INSERT INTO #dir
    EXEC master..xp_dirtree 'C:\winnt', 1, 1
    SELECT datei_dir As Exe_Datei FROM #dir
    WHERE ist_datei = 1
    AND RIGHT(datei_dir, 3) = 'exe'
    ORDER BY datei_dir
    DROP TABLE #dir

    Maybe this one helps



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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