Selecting last two orders

  • Hi all. I am having a brain meltdown. I am trying to gather the last two orders for a customer. Would a subquery be the best way to get the desired results? I have been trying to use TOP 2 in one query and various things in the second query but am only getting errors. I just need a little direction to get started. Here is what I have so far. I just need to add a subquery to get all records for each order from the same table. Thanks in advance.

    SELECT TOP 2 createdate AS ShipDate, TrackingNumber

    FROM shipments

    WHERE a.customerid = 'dmo-con'

  • SELECT TOP 2 createdate AS ShipDate, TrackingNumber

    FROM shipments

    WHERE a.customerid = 'dmo-con'

    ORDER BY createdate desc

    what errors are you getting when using the sub query?

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • This is one query that didn't work. Produces a syntax error near ')'

    SELECT createdate AS ShipDate, TrackingNumber

    FROM (SELECT TOP 2 createdate AS ShipDate, TrackingNumber FROM shipments WHERE customerid = 'dmo-con')

  • are you not using an order id, can't you use that to get the last orders?

    as for your script try to alias your sub query i.e.

    SELECT createdate AS ShipDate, TrackingNumber

    FROM (SELECT TOP 2 createdate AS ShipDate, TrackingNumber FROM shipments WHERE customerid = 'dmo-con') A

    but did you try the ORDER BY solution I put above?

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Internally we have an order id but this is information exported from a UPS system. I did try the order by and it didn't help. I think I'm close with the following query but it still only returns one row for each date.

    SELECT createdate AS ShipDate, TrackingNumber

    FROM shipments

    WHERE customerid = 'dmo-con' AND

    createdate IN (SELECT TOP 2 createdate FROM shipments WHERE customerid = 'dmo-con' ORDER BY createdate desc)

  • I think I have this figured out. It looks like the time portion of the createdate field was getting in the way. I will do more testing but here is the revised query:

    SELECT createdate AS ShipDate, TrackingNumber

    FROM shipments

    WHERE customerid = 'dmo-con' AND

    CONVERT(CHAR(10),createdate,101) IN (SELECT TOP 2 CONVERT(CHAR(10),createdate,101) FROM shipments WHERE customerid = 'dmo-con' ORDER BY createdate desc)

    ORDER BY createdate

  • Why are you overcomplicating things?

    Bledu put you on the right track.

    SELECT TOP 2 * FROM shipments WHERE customerid = 'dmo-con' ORDER BY createdate desc

    It the issue is that you want them chronological, add

    select * from (

    SELECT TOP 2 * FROM shipments WHERE customerid = 'dmo-con' ORDER BY createdate desc

    ) as d ORDER BY createdate


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Thank you for the reply. Both options above still only return one record for each createdate. I do like your approach though keeping it simple. Any thoughts on why only one row per date would be returned?

  • I have to throw a little kink in the issue. It appears that TOP n when evaluating datetime fields always uses the time portion in addition to the date. Above where I thought I had a solution, the outcome returns two records for the same date when looking at TOP 3 createdate. My test customer has three dates available. One record for 08/29, three records for 08/28, and two records for 08/27. In summary, when I run the test query below, I get one record from the 29th and two records from the 28th even though I'm converting the format.

    SELECT TOP 3 * CONVERT(char(10),createdate,101) as ShipDate

    FROM shipments

    where customerid = 'dmo-con'

    order by shipdate desc

  • For anyone viewing this post, I finally have a solution. It may not be the best solution but it works for now. If anyone can see a way to simplify the query, please let me know. The DISTINCT keyword in the TOP query solved my problem.

    SELECT CONVERT(CHAR(10),createdate,101) AS ShipDate, TrackingNumber

    FROM shipments

    WHERE customerid = @clinicid AND

    CONVERT(CHAR(10),createdate,101) IN

    (SELECT DISTINCT TOP 3 CONVERT(CHAR(10),createdate,101) as ShipDate

    FROM shipments

    WHERE customerid = @clinicid

    ORDER BY ShipDate DESC)

    ORDER BY ShipDate DESC

  • That is not the same as what you origionally posted.  That is ALL orders that match the 3 most recent days on which any number of orders was posted.  So if there were 100 orders on 8/30/2007 then they would all be 1 per your above query. 

    If that is what you are looking for, then I have 2 suggestions

    1) make a table valued function and pass the customer ID. 

    2) Add an index on (customerID,CreateDate)

  • Why don't you use WITH TIES?



    CreateDate AS ShipDate,


    FROM Shipments

    WHERE CustomerID = @ClinicID

    ORDER BY DATEDIFF(DAY, CreateDate, 0)


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • RE: WITH TIES. This produces the same result I received before placing the DISTINCT keyword in the TOP query. I apologize if I didn't explain clearly what I am trying to accomplish. Basically I am trying to retrieve the last n orders from a customer based on a ship date. For each of the last n ship dates (createdate), I want to pull all records for those dates.

  • Now that's an explanation!


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • And this is the solution


    -- Prepare sample data

    DECLARE @Sample TABLE (CustomerID INT, dt DATETIME)

    INSERT @Sample





    SELECT TOP 100000

    1000 + ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 10000,

    15000 + ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 15000

    FROM syscolumns AS c1

    CROSS JOIN syscolumns AS c2

    -- Show the expected output

    SELECT CustomerID,


    FROM (

    SELECT CustomerID,



    FROM @Sample

    ) AS d

    WHERE RecID <= 2

    ORDER BY CustomerID

    Now you can make a VIEW with the query above, without the WHERE and ORDER BY.

    And in your SP, select from the view and add the WHERE and ORDER BY!


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

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