Select Statement In Table

  • We are currently implimenting row level security by putting part of the Customer's account information in a DB Table. I have been able to do this on a case by case (individual customer) basis, but I tried to script inserting a whole bunch of customers at once using a script. When I run the script just using print commands, everything looks fine. When I run it to actually process the data, things bomb out.

    Example Customer Table being sent to me:

    Name      AccountNo

    -----      -----------

    abc          A5071

    def           57791

    ghi           8W551

    jkl            07A11 & 13866         

    mno         015X1, 0725A, 07551

    Note there can be more than one leading zero in the accountNo. So I want my new table ("New_Cust_Table") to look like:

    UserId  Pwd      SelectStmt

    ------  ------   -------------------------------

    abc1    abc1#   And AccountNo LIKE '%A5R7'

    def1     def1#   And AccountNo LIKE '%5779'

    ghi1     ghi1#    And AccountNo LIKE '%8W55'

    jkl1      jkl1#     And (AccountNo Like '%07A11' OR Account LIKE '%13866')

    ... etc.

    Ignoring the Cust Names with multiple Account numbers for the moment, my SQL Looks like this:


    DECLARE @userid varchar(20)

    DECLARE @UserPwd varchar(20)

    DECLARE @SelectStmt varchar(200)


    SELECT Name, AccountNo FROM Cust_Table

    OPEN NewCustUser

    FETCH NEXT FROM NewCustUser INTO @userid @SelectStmt



      IF (LEN(@SelectStmt) <= 6)  -- ACTUALLY GET MULTIPLE ACCOUNT Nos for ONE Customer


        Print 'Account is ' +@SelectStmt+' for '+@LGXuser

        SET  @SelectStmt = 'AND AccountNo LIKE ''%'+@SelectStmt+''''

        Print @SelectStmt

        SET @Statement = N'INSERT INTO [dbo].[New_Cust_Table] VALUES ('''+@UserID+'1'','''+@UserID+'1#'','''+@SelectStmt+''')'

        Print @Statement

       EXEC sp_executesql @Statement


      FETCH NEXT FROM NewCustUser INTO @userid @SelectStmt


    CLOSE NewCustUser

    DEALLOCATE NewCustUser

    Some of the error message I get:

    - Incorrect syntax near ''.

    - The name "A5R7" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted.

    I know I will get some answers that just get rid of my cursors (I am still living in a cursor world, so please, bring it on so I can learn!!! ).

    Does anyone have any ideas or solutions?


    Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours (Richard Bach, Illusions)

  • You asked for non-cursor. Try this (untested). If not 100%, should give you a start

    INSERT INTO New_Cust_Table (UserId, Password, SelectStmt)

    SELECT UserID, UserID + '1#', 

     'AND Account Like ''%''' + REPLACE(REPLACE(AccountNo,'& ', 'OR Account LIKE ''%'),',','OR Account LIKE ''%') + ''''

    FROM Cust_Table

    Your problem is with not escaping quotes. Try replacing the line that sets the statement with the one below.

    SET @Statement = N'

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[New_Cust_Table]

    VALUES (''' + @userid + '1'',''' + @userid + '1#'',''' + REPLACE(@SelectStmt,'''','''''') + ''')'


    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • I found the problem... not enough quote(s) around the statement. The statement I was trying to use was:

    SET  @SelectStmt = 'AND AccountNo LIKE ''%'+@SelectStmt+''''

    I was so concerned about the format and getting it ready to put into an insert statement, I forgot the insert statement also needed double quote(s) to convert it into single quotes when it was finally in the table. So my statement now looks like:

    SET  @SelectStmt = 'AND AccountNo LIKE ''''%'+@SelectStmt+''''''

    There are two additional single quote(s) on either side of the %+@SelectStmt+



    Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours (Richard Bach, Illusions)

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