DTS processing time irregularities

  • Hiya guys,

    I'm having a problem with a DTS. I'm fairly new to DTS, and have no doubt it's something simple that's my fault rather than SQL Server's. I'm using SQL2k SP3.

    I've got a DTS that runs multiple tasks:

    1) Concurrently download a file via FTP along with making updates on a few tables

    2) Once all of the above are finished, use a Transform Data task to insert data from the CSV downloaded in step 1 into the DB

    3) Perform lots more updates to clean and remove duplicate data etc...

    The only task types are FTP data, transform data and execute sql (some sprocs)

    The task is scheduled to run every morning.

    Now, I have a consistent problem with the task in that every second time it runs, it takes a much greater time to run than the previous time (admittedly, this is when tests are being run immediately in succession, so it could possibly be a memory issue or something similar)

    I know this is a bit vague, but going in to any further details would probably bore everyone reading to death, so can anyone suggest where I should start looking? Have you come across a similar problem before? Is there any more info you need to help diagnose the problem?



  • Which step is it that takes more time? Or is it that all steps take more time?

  • One thing to check on is if the file has been released from the previous load. If the files are not released, then DTS would be waiting for permission to open them again. I have run into this kind of issue before. We had to put delays into the packages to make it wait.

    Steve Hughes

    Magenic Technologies

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