Matrix Issue

  • I am trying to make a matrix and I am running into problems.  First part works just fine.

                 DATE1       DATE2        DATE3

    STORE1      X             X               S

    STORE2      X                              S

    STORE3      S             X               X

    This part of the matrix works great   But now I would like to add 3 colums on the right side.  First column is the % of 'X', second column % of 'S' and last column would be the blanks.

                 DATE1       DATE2        DATE3    %X     %S     %()

    STORE1      X             X               S       66%    33%    0%

    STORE2      X                              S       33%    33%   33%

    STORE3      S             X               X       66%    33%    0%

    Any idea how I can acomplish this?  Right now I am exporting my matrix report to excel so I can add those last 3 colums

  • Hi Warren,

    One method I've used is a sub-report. In my case I had a matrix that displayed sets of data for each month by user:

                       Jan 2007                             Feb 2007                           Mar 2007

                  Actual    Projected              Actual    Projected              Actual    Projected

    User1         X             X                       X            X                        X            X

    User2         X             X                       X            X                        X            X

    User3         X             X                       X            X                        X            X

                  sum(X)     sum(X)               sum(X)    sum(X)                sum(X)       sum(X)

    sub-report here:

    category 1  sum(X)   sum(X)              sum(X)     sum(X)                sum(X)       sum(X)

    category 2  sum(X)   sum(X)              sum(X)     sum(X)                sum(X)       sum(X)


    I let the matrix calculate the totals but the report request also asked that the totals be broken into separate categories, so I used a sub- report, with the same query behind only summing data different, to display the category totals beneath the matrix.

    I think you could do something very similar with your situation.

    Hope that help -


  • I started out using matrices but soon found that tables are far more flexible. Have you tried using a table instead? You can then add a column and formulae as required.

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