From DBA to DBAA

  • Comments posted here are about the content posted at

  • When I saw "DBAA" I thought it was a reference to a support group for recovering DBA's...

  • Too funny Dave! But I do agree with Jeffrey that this is a logical path for some database professionals to take the next (or 12th) step. If you've ever been on a job interview where you are asked "Do you prefer being a Production DBA, Development DBA, Data Architect or ETL Developer?" and you answer "All of the above", you would probably be an excellent candidate for DBAA.

  • Great article!

    After spending a lot of years being a DBA then the next best thing must be a DBAA position. But I've never seen a text explaining it this clear! Excellent.

  • I have been a DBA for almost 15 years and someone in our US office told me some months back that they should consider to make me DBAA and I did not understand that until I Jeffrey article what a wonderful thought? Please hook up with the MS folks to come up with something towards certifications keep the good work. Having said that with my current role, I have been doing 99% of all that Jeffrey had just said therefore you have my backing please keep us in the loop with any further or future developments with MS towards the certifications. I must also confirm that I am one of those guy's who do not believe in certification, but all the keep up with the good work and always stay blessed.


  • Please forgive me with my grammer errors was just in a rush to attend SLA meetings.


  • Hi,

    Nice try, but..

    Your big confusion it is definition database architect as lead of database administrator(s):

     DBA architect it is about knowledge (design\manage\etc.) of sql server (in this case) and experience.

    To be leader you do not need to be database architect - it is about leadership skills first then knowledge of your product\business\industry\etc.





  • But it is not about being a leader, it about being somebody to decide the future architecture of a system. The leader then will lead the team to build that future.

  • BTW:

    Microsoft Certified Architect Program



  • Eugene,

    I honestly and totally disagree with your suggestion/opinion rather I agreed with Zubeyir. How can you lead a team if you do not have the necessary as well as the technical skills required? As I said before I have seen and heard all that before but I am not here to tell who is right or who is wrong but just to confirm what Jeffrey had written. At the moment any technology that will be deploy within the company I have to give the go ahead after couple of months testing, I always have to give the advantages and disadvantages towards any new project such as ROI, cost, and IT risk analysis. Why such huge responsibilities on my head simply because I knew the business logic and I do also understands the flows of information within the business and its boundaries. My recent project was MOSS 2007 for content management, global enterprise search for both extranet and intranet as well as for managing sensitive Online document management and access. Now if I do not have the technical skills how could one spearhead such project? Therefore, the technical skills come first then the rest follows up, and after all this the most important skills you will need is COMMUNICATION. Because communication skills supper-seed all the skills you might have without communication skills one is just like a ship without a radar. Always stay blessed.



    Carl Walden,


    Database architect is not  lead of DBAs by default: you can be good in product but be bad leader

    Database architect is person who know product very good (see link to Microsoft Certified Architect Program and find what Architect need to know )



    There is nothing in my post about lack technical skills required for leader

    I said:

    To be leader you do not need to be database architect - it is about leadership skills first then knowledge of your product\business\industry\etc.

    All the description of database architect in the article: can be found in regular job description for senior DBA position \ DBAs lead :


    Define the administration scope in terms of targets and risks / costs

    Build up an optimized processes model which can maximize the ROI for the current resources

    Pioneer in evaluating / choosing the right mix of technology

    Explore / create innovative methodology to adapt to business environment.

    Act as a facilitator / advisor for the stakeholders to best use the data system / asset.


    In real life - it is all about your company business culture (mostly $$$).

    Yes, you can tell your boss - lets try something new...

    Sure, but in middle of your conversation you will get call from end-user about all system is slow -that bring you back to the Earth...




  • I'm confused. Database Administration Architect? What about the same person on the database developement side? DBDA? Business Intelligence? BIA?

    Not trying to be a smart-alec, but i would think Database Architect - designs solutions. Database team leader/supervisor/manager - leads the database professsionals.

    Great ideas in the article, though.

  • Sorry old chap I might have misunderstood your intentions and hope am forgiven? You are deadly right this is what I like about our profession we agree when we have to and disagree when we have to disagree, thanks for your understanding. All the best.


  • I found this article useful, who worked as a SQL Developer and DBA can met the DBAA position. I'm similar type of DBAA Person.

    Thanks for the posting good article.

    Krishna Mohan

  • This just seems like HR talk and dropping coined terms in an attempt to give something life that doesn't or needn't exist.  Everything described should be intrinsic to the DB development team.  The CIO or CISO would meet with them, define business need and process and they would develop it, maybe even with a project manager's oversight.

    Seems to me this is the emperor’s clothes and is an unnecessary position.  DBAs should have an understanding of business flow and data management needs and offer solutions that will provide the best ROI for the business; that is why businesses hire them.  Adding another "A" to a title doesn't change this, but it is a nice way to try to get more money out of clients.


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