How To add Subcriber From SQL 2005 TO SQL 7.0 in Transaction Replication

  • I am setting up Transactional replication From SQL Server 2005 TO SQL Server 7.0 as read only

    Publisher and distributor are at SQL 2005 server and I am using Push suncriber to SQL Server 7.0 as read only at destination server.

    but when I try add server in Managemnet studio in new subcriber wizard I get an errot that I can not add

    SQL server 7.0 we can add only SQL Server 2000 and up, so now how to configure SQL Server 7.0 as scubcriber

    so if any know about this please help us..



  • We had a similar situation, found no choice but adding a SQL 2000 publisher, set up replication from 2005 to 2000, then to SQL 7.

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