Dereferencing T-SQL Variables

  • Is it possible to dereference a variable in T-SQL?  I can get the name of the variable, but I want its value.

    I am the DBA for a new application in which all database access will be through audited stored procedures.  The audit trail should show the procedure name along with a delimited list of parameters, their datatypes, and values.  This is simplified DDL for the audit table:

    CREATE  TABLE audit                                    (

            audit_id   INTEGER        IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY ,

            proc_name  VARCHAR   (50) NOT NULL             ,

            parameters VARCHAR (4000)                      )


    According to the coding standard each procedure is responsible for inserting a row into the audit table before doing anything else.  Here is an example:


            @in_str_par1    VARCHAR (50),

            @in_dte_par2    DATETIME   


    DECLARE @str_proc_name  VARCHAR   (50),

            @str_parm_list  VARCHAR (4000)

    SELECT  @str_proc_name = 'junk'

    --This is the statement I'd like to replace

    SELECT  @str_parm_list =

            '@in_str_par1' + CHAR(31) +

            'VARCHAR'      + CHAR(31) +

            @in_str_par1   + CHAR(30) +

            '@in_dte_par2' + CHAR(31) +

            'DATETIME'     + CHAR(31) +

            CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @in_dte_par2, 120)

    INSERT  INTO audit     (

            proc_name      ,

            parameters     )

    VALUES                 (

            @str_proc_name ,

            @str_parm_list )


    Body of procedure



    This is functional, but it requires a good deal of hardcoding--it's easy to forget that you added a parameter and invalidate the audit trail.  I would prefer to give my programmers a template that does this automatically  If I could dereference a variable, the following would simply require a single global search and replace of 'junk' with the new procedure name upon definition of the procedure.


            @in_str_par1    VARCHAR (50),

            @in_dte_par2    DATETIME   


    DECLARE @str_proc_name  VARCHAR   (50),

            @str_parm_list  VARCHAR (4000)

    SELECT  @str_proc_name = 'junk',

            @str_parm_list = ''

    --This is the statement I'd like to use.

    SELECT  @str_parm_list = @str_parm_list +

   + CHAR(31) +

   + CHAR(31) +

            /*Dereferenced here*/ + CHAR(30)

      FROM  systypes   t,

            syscolumns c,

            sysobjects o

      WHERE t.xtype = c.xtype

        AND    =

        AND  = @str_proc_name

      ORDER BY c.colorder

    INSERT  INTO audit     (

            proc_name      ,

            parameters     )

    VALUES                 (

            @str_proc_name ,

            @str_parm_list )


    Body of procedure




  • So were we a C programmer before?

    Short and simple there is no dereferencing ability in T-SQL (at least not at this time and not in Yukon either). 

    You could possible use dynamic SQL to build the right string to be executed. But right off I can't see a quick way to get it too as you will still need to have the input variables involved.

  • Check for sp_sproc_columns in BOL.

  • I know, I know.  Bad DBA!  Don't select directly from the system tables.  Use sp_xxx or  Any way I do it I get the parameter name but not its value.

  • Antares686,

    That's what I was afraid of.  BOL, MS KB, this site and Google all searched for naught.  I was hoping someone knew of a magic procedure I couldn't find.  I keep trying to figure out a way to package up the string so I can execute it, but the variable isn't defined in the scope of the statement, so I get an error.

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