how to find an integer value from varchar

  • Hi all,

    I have 2 tables Document and Department. Document table will contain Doc_id,Doc_name columns. Department contains Dept_id, Dept_Desc and document_list (which stores Doc_id in a comma seperated manner) columns.

    sample data in my tables will be like this (it may help you to get into the problem)

    Document table

    Doc_id Doc_name

    1 aaa

    2 bbb

    3 ccc

    Department table

    Dept_id Dept_Desc document_list

    1 xxx 1,2

    2 yyy 2,3

    3 zzz 1,2,3

    now i want to display all departments for a given document id (for example if document id is 3 then departments will be yyy and zzz).

    can someone help me to find the solution?

    thanks in advance.

  • Hi Raghavendra

    Your second table is not normalised. The comms seperated document list is the problem.

    You should remove the document list from the department table and create a third table to hold department id and a single document id like this.

    dept_id doc_id

    1 1

    1 2

    2 2

    2 3

    3 1

    3 2

    3 3

    You then have a simple join to say which depts have which docs.


  • Hi Allen,

    thanks for your suggestion, now i did this using like operator, will it affect the performance of sql server if i use like operator?

  • just try out this code

    Select Detp_Desc

    from document a ,department b

    where a.doc_id = right(document_list,1)


  • Hi Raghavendra

    Not sure I understand how you did it using LIKE.

    Regarding performance it really depends on your SQL query and the indexes you have on your table.


  • Hi, All

    I have created a stored procedure like this.

    create procedure sp_getRelatedDepartments


    @documentid int



    SELECT * FROM Department WHERE document_list=@documentid OR document_list like '%,'+@documentid OR document_list like '%,'+@documentid+',%' OR document_list like @documentid+',%'

  • But will your stored proc differentiate between 1 and 11 ?

  • yes , it will differentiate 1 and 11

  • Ragavendra,

    how are you saying it will differentiate ?;) I think it should not.

    Going a little detail , basically you should avoid using 'OR' strategy in your queries. It would produce 'Cartesian Product'.


  • Unfortunately, using the LIKE operator always affects query performance. For one, if you use the wildcard on both sides of the search syntax, then you can inadvertantly generate tablescans.

    The bigger the table, the bigger the performance hit. You may not notice it at first, but as your database grows, using the LIKE operator can cause future significant problems. So it's best to redesign your tables now as previously suggested (if you can) to avoid the problem.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

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