Book Recommendation

  • Can anyone recommend a good book on SSRS? I'm looking for something that would get me started from the beginning with SSRS 2k5 and take me through some best practices for deployment and such.

    Thanks in advance.


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  • Luke,   I have used this one and found it very informative.  I found that working through the examples benificial to understanding why SSRS does what it does. 

    Osborne Press

    SQL Server 2005 Reporting services ISBN 0-07-226239-7

    Also a reasonably good reference although for SSRS 2000, the basics are the same and worth the read.


    Professional SQL Server Reporting Services

    ISBN 0-7645-6878-7

    Have Fun


  • Hey Luke,


    I find either the MS Press or the WROX books to be really good. I recommend

    Professional SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

    ISBN: 0764584979



  • Agree on MS Press and Wrox, and Apress has one too. I'd start with MS Press, then buy another when you're moving along some.

  • Thanks for the input guys. I really appreciate it.


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  • My suggestions, and my own experience:

    ·       Larson, B. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. Mc-Graw Hill, 2006.

    ·       Turley, B., T. Bryant, J.Counihan and D. DuVarney. Professional SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. Wrox, 2006.

    Larson (2006) is really an excellent how-to-do tutorial. Larson takes your hand, and shows many important concepts and techniques without being too intricate. Turley (2006) provide more background information.

    Success, Leendert.

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