Monitoring UDF

  • Is there any tool to monitor or to find the performance of an UDF????

  • SQL Profiler?

    Peter Gadsby
    Business Intelligence Consultant

  • can you able to send the URL for learning SQL Profiler where the performance of UDF only can monitored?

  • I don't have a URL, but to use SQL Profiler do the following:-

    1) Start / Programs / Microsoft SQL Server>/Profiler

    2) file / new trace

    3) login to SQL server

    4) Select the relevant template ( using the template filename )

    5) click run

    Then you should see a list of SQL statements that are running


    Peter Gadsby
    Business Intelligence Consultant

  • You can filter on ObjectID (Filters tab of Trace Properties form) for the UDF. Obtain ID from sysobjects system table.

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