Connect with Windows Login?

  • We have a SQL Server database named IDB-R on a server in the DCSSDev domain.  We have two database roles set up, IDBRAdminUser and IDBRWebUser.  Permissions for each of our stored procedures is granted to one or both of those roles.  Our DBA has set up two domain users in the DCSS domain, IDBR_AdminUser_Dev and IDBR_WebUser_Dev.  The DCSSDev domain trusts the DCSS domain, but not vice-versa.  In our database we have added the domain user IDBR_AdminUser_Dev as a member of the IDBRAdminUser role, similarly we have added IDBR_WebUser_Dev as a member of the IDBRWebUser role.  The idea is that when you connect to the first .asp page in our web app and enter your name and password, you are authenticated in the Users database.  If you are in there as an admin user, you will be allowed to execute only those stored procs which have permissions set.  I am trying to build an .asp page that connects to the database using SQLOLEDB and the Windows domain logins, but I am doing something wrong.  All the examples I have skimmed from the web or usenet have used SQL Server logins.  The DBA suggested we use ODBC DSNs on the the IIS server that then point to the SQL Server, but from just fiddling with it here on my PC it looks like the ODBC DSNs want to use SQL Server logins, too.  Have you ever connected from an active server page to a SQL Server database using the SQLOLEDB provider and a domain login?  Or can you set up DSNs on an IIS server to use a specific windows login?  I would appreciate any insight you might have.
    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.
  • SQL Server version? Error messages? The code that fails?

    Maybe you can find something here?


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