Compare Different tables from 2 Databases

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Compare Different tables from 2 Databases

  • Sorry, but the "how to use" is missing.

    I only see two scrollbars, without any text.

    Please could you add a "how to use" in this discussion.

    The problem is that the names used are self-explaining but in Spanish.

    And names like DBFontes, DBVerifica, Iniciais_Nome_Tabela are not self-evident to me 😉

  • Hi, You can do this:

    exec dbo.PD_Lista_Tabela_Diferente 'databaseNew' , 'databaseOld'', 'p' --names of tables that start whit "p"



    Jose Anchieta C. Jr

  • Jose, thanks.

    Could I also use an empty string (eg '') for the table(s) to compare all the tables?

  • Yes, see:

    exec dbo.PD_Lista_Tabela_Diferente 'databaseNew' , 'databaseOld'', ''

  • Should all columns in the output query be populated? These fields are: TABLE_CATALOG_DBFontes TABLE_NAME_DBFontes COLUMN_NAME_DBFontes DATA_TYPE_DBFontes

    But these fields are just returning NULL: TABLE_CATALOG_DBVerifica TABLE_NAME_DBVerifica COLUMN_NAME_DBVerifica DATA_TYPE_DBVerifica

    Nice script!


  • Thanks for the script.

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