Job is failing at Scedule 42 every single day

  • Hello,

    We run this job everyday, and it is not running successfully, below is the error message I am getting,

    The job failed. The Job was invoked by Schedule 42 (DTS_WAYBILL_FROM_AS400_TO_ICSTNTX). The last step to run was step 1 (DTS_WAYBILL_FROM_AS400_TO_ICSTNTX). NOTE: Failed to notify 'HELPDESK' via email.

    I would appreciate if someone can assist me on this,



  • I assume your dts package (dts2000 ?) is trying to send a mail, but it does not succeed. Hence "NOTE: Failed to notify 'HELPDESK' via email."

    Check your account that serves the job has the rights to the mailbox,...


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  • Did you have any luck determining the data error causing the DTS package to fail?

    I know that would solve your e-mail issue, but then again - you wouldn't NEED to send an e-mail if the DTS package finished correctly.

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  • Two suggestions.

    1. Check you mail server and email address

    2. Add a log file in your DTS package to obtain error in detail.

  • if possible try to run the DTS independent of a scheduled job in test environment.

    or it could be that your exchange or mail is not setup properly in SQL 2005 if email is the last step in your DTS package.

  • Run DTS independently you can know where it is failing.

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