Which is better

  • Hi All,

    I have a table with company names and id.I want to compare a company name entered by a user with that in a table and find the best possible match of the user's company....shud I do this on front end or I shud use a procedure at SQL.




  • I certainly recommend a stored procedure.

  • may i have the reason......bcoz i wud hv to us a cursor...if i do it at sql


  • Ahmad Osama (6/11/2008)

    may i have the reason......bcoz i wud hv to us a cursor...if i do it at sql

    Why would you need a cursor?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • ok...so u mean that i can navigate thru the table using a while loop on the identity column...or there is any other way...


  • please give us some detalis of the comparison you have to do... however i think sp is better

  • It seems your COMPANY table schema as:

    CompanyID CompanyName

    1 abc

    2 bcd


    You can add an index on [CompanyName], and use a stored procedure to search.

  • Use a stored procedure,

    with a LIKE clause in the where statement

    or if you want better matching you can use character matching or pattern matching.

    Post you table DDL and some sample data for further help.

  • These guys have you on the right track here. You definately don't need a cursor or loop to do this. If you need additional help with this, please post your table DDL, index scheme, and some sample data. Here's a link to best practices for posting sample data/code:


    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • I would suggest using the SOUNDEX or DIFFERENCE functions. And you do not need a cursor or a While Loop, just use set-based processing.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog: MovingSQL.com, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • rbarryyoung (6/11/2008)

    I would suggest using the SOUNDEX or DIFFERENCE functions. And you do not need a cursor or a While Loop, just use set-based processing.

    Thnks for all the valuable suggestion....

    I am using Difference but it is unable to differentiate between 'Sai word'

    and 'sai impex' ....below is the procedure iam using...

    alter proc usp_strsrch

    @userstr varchar(100),

    @strcmp varchar(200),

    @iCityid int,

    @returnstr varchar(8000) OUTPUT


    Set nocount on

    Declare @count int,@i int,@flag int,@tmpstr varchar(100),@tmpcustid varchar(100)

    create table #temp(Sno int identity(1,1),iCustomerid int ,sCustomercompname varchar(150))

    insert into #temp

    select iCustomerid,sCustomercompname from CustomerMaster C inner join Citymaster Ci

    On C.iCityid=Ci.iCityid where Ci.iCityid=@iCityid and sCustomercompname like '%' + @strcmp + '%'

    select @count=count(*) from #temp

    set @returnstr=''

    set @i=0

    While @i<@count


    select @tmpstr=sCustomerCompName,@tmpcustid=iCustomerid from #temp where sno=@i + 1

    set @flag=Difference(@tmpstr,@userstr)

    if (@flag > 3)


    set @returnstr=@returnstr + @tmpcustid + ','


    Set @i = @i + 1


    drop table #temp


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