Alternative for a cursor

  • I need to run a query in all servers, but I can not write a cursor becuase It is to create a report in reporting services.

    Is there a stored procedure that will run a query in all databases?

  • Sure see BOL for more info on sp_MSforeachdb

    Here is a sample:

    EXEC sp_MSforeachdb "USE ? IF db_name() NOT IN ('master', 'tempdb', 'model', 'msdb' )

    begin select db_name() EXEC sp_updatestats end "

    This updates stats in all databases except the system databases


  • FYI... sp_MSforeachdb uses a cursor 😉

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  • You say all servers did you mean databases?

    If so the present solution is still a cursor but may simplify for your needs. Otherwise I need to know what you are doing in each database and may have a way to do.

  • ok... but you are not writing the cursor. Why does the existance of a cursor matter?

    To avoid use something like:

    DECLARE @objName varchar(50)

    DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(250)

    SET @objName = ''

    WHILE @objName IS NOT NULL





    AND (CATALOG_NAME NOT IN ('MODEL', 'master' ,'msdb'))

    IF @objName IS NOT NULL


    --Insert code to do stuff here.

    SELECT @objName

    SELECT @cmd = 'USE ' + @objName + '; dbcc checkdb'

    select @cmd

    EXEC sp_executesql @cmd



    This needs to be modified depending on the command being executed and may need to change for SQL 2005. But its a starting point


  • What I am trayng to do is a report in reporting services, so can not use a cursor (as far as I understand)

    my report needs to read server roles from sys.syslogins

    and also list what databases each user has acces to. in order to do the report, I need to write a select statement or a procedure that will return 1 result set.

    so far what i have is a stored procedure that returns what users have acces to what databases,

    and the idea is to join that result set with sys.syslogins.

    not sure if that is possible. (I just posted that question in this forum under a different posting..)

    This would be the stored procedure:

    create proc P_DATABASEUSERS


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DatabaseUsers') is not null

    drop table #DatabaseUsers

    create table #DatabaseUsers(DatabaseName sysname not null,DatabaseUserName sysname not null,LoginName sysname null)

    -- sys.database_principals.type is S = SQL user, U = Windows user, G = Windows group

    exec master.dbo.sp_MSforeachdb @replacechar = N'?',

    @command1 = 'insert into #DatabaseUsers(DatabaseName,DatabaseUserName,LoginName)select ''?'', as DatabaseUserName, suser_sname( DatabaseUsers.SID) as LoginName

    from [?].sys.database_principals as DatabaseUsers

    where DatabaseUsers.type in (''S'',''G'',''U'')'

    select * from #DatabaseUsers



  • Unfortunately becuase of the variation of number of databases you may have a cursor will have to be used (but sp_MSForEachDB will do the trick)

    As for how to join to SYS.SYSLOGINS you have to do INSERT INTO..EXEC (I posted wrong in your other post) Here is an example with your current procs code

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DatabaseUsers') is not null

    drop table #DatabaseUsers

    create table #DatabaseUsers(DatabaseName sysname not null,DatabaseUserName sysname not null,LoginName sysname null)

    -- sys.database_principals.type is S = SQL user, U = Windows user, G = Windows group

    EXEC INTO #DatabaseUsers sp_MSforeachdb 'select ''?'', as DatabaseUserName, suser_sname( DatabaseUsers.SID) as LoginName

    from [?].sys.database_principals as DatabaseUsers

    where DatabaseUsers.type in (''S'',''G'',''U'')'

    SELECT * FROM #DatabaseUsers

  • Sorry had a typo and the edit feature of the site never works from here

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DatabaseUsers') is not null

    drop table #DatabaseUsers

    create table #DatabaseUsers(DatabaseName sysname not null,DatabaseUserName sysname not null,LoginName sysname null)

    -- sys.database_principals.type is S = SQL user, U = Windows user, G = Windows group

    INSERT INTO #DatabaseUsers EXEC sp_MSforeachdb 'select ''?'', as DatabaseUserName, suser_sname( DatabaseUsers.SID) as LoginName

    from [?].sys.database_principals as DatabaseUsers

    where DatabaseUsers.type in (''S'',''G'',''U'')'

    SELECT * FROM #DatabaseUsers

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