Using Dynamic Parameters on SQL Reports with SharePoint Integration

  • Evening all,

    This is more of a .net question then really sql.

    We are in the process of integrating our sql reports with MOSS 2007. After a day of chasing one ambgious error after another through the setup process I finally got it working. The integration is actually pretty nice, although takes a little getting used to if your used to the native report development and deployment process.

    The reports work like a charm , however I need to be able to populate some of the parameters based on the logged in user. IE, displaying at report of the current users Customers. In our case the data lives in our CRM database, the proceedure expecting to have an EmployeeGUID being passed to it. Problem is the ReportViewer Control doesn't over anything this cool by design the UI. Al little background. Sharepoint is authenticating with the report server using the sharepoint domain service account, and the data source is authenticating with SQL SERVER login service account.

    Wondering if anyone can provide some guidance on how to set parameter values through code when using the ReportViewer control in SharePoint.

  • do you use active directory?we are currently working on integration of reporting services with a similar configuration than yours. any details in the implementations would be useful.

  • We are using Windows/AD authentication via sharepoint, however we have sharepoint authenticating with the report server using the sharepoint service account. That allows us to maintain the security for accessing reports entirely thru SharePoint rather then on the report server itself. Took almost a full day to get it installed and working correctly. But's really nice and worth the work.

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