Windows Authentication

  • I have RS running just fine, but whenever someone attempts to view my report they get a Windows logon box.  Since they are already logged onto the domain, I don't want them to have to logon a second time.

    How do I get rid of the Windows Logon box?



  • hi,

    while creating the data set...have u tried choosing "Use a specific user name and pass"(provide ur sql server user name /pass here) in the Connection tab?

    u cud also check "Allow Saving Passwords"

    tell me if it works out..

    take care,



  • Hi,

    In the dataset, I do use a specific username and password. 

    As for checking "Allow Saving Passwords",  Yes it could be done that way but because of our domain permissions, some shop floor computers autologon and these people don't know the username and password.


  • Are you sure that the users of the Domain have access to the hosting server as users?  This is the most commmon issue

  • I believe so, I will admit that since NT4.0 security has really gotten screwy and I don't understand it anymore,  I will check though.


  • The the settings you need might be located in the user's browser. 

    Look under Tools>>Options>>Security.  under "custom level" at the very bottom is what controls automatic login using domain credentials.


    hth  jg

  • I mean 'click on custom level.'  At the bottom of the scrolling window lies the setting for "User Authentication".

  • Jeff,

    I just tried that selecting (in turn) Automatic logon only in Intranet zone and Automatic logon with current username and password.  In between, I stopped and then restarted IE.

    Good suggestion, I'm sorry it didn't work.


  • What is the setting in the Datasource for the reprot when you view it via Report Manager?  ie go to report manager, go to correct folder, change view to 'Show Details' (button on right hand side) and then select the Data Source menu option (far left hand side).  NB If it's referencing a shard data source, go straight to that datasource in Report Manager and review the security setting/s.



  • Steve,

    I did as you asked and all my data sources connect using Credentials stored securely in the report server.


  • A reason you may get this is that when you install reporting services it uses the anme of the server to create a deafult name for the web site. If you then actually call the web site e.g. http://reportingservices then a redirect to your local server name goes on in the background and this is what usually causes you to get the login box.

    I can't remember which one of the config files it's in but its very easy to spot and if you change this it should stop your login boxes. If you use a proxy you definetly need to do this.



  • David,

    You may be onto something, When we set up our server, the website is at http://server_skv_rs/ReportingServices

    In order to get images to display, I have to call the web site using the IP address rather then the server name  http://XX.XX.XX.XX/ReportingServices

    Could this have the same effect you're describing?  If so and you remember which config file it's in please post it here.



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