High CPU. Many processes have SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

  • Hi every one.

    I have a problem.

    I have SQL Server 2005 Standart Editon x86.

    Memory: 8 GB

    CPU: 8

    It's a report server.

    All queries rum from application server.

    Every day from 09:00 to 11:00 cpu utilisation is 100%

    In sysprocesses table many rows have SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD value in lastwaittime column.

    80 5360 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    80 4716 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    80 6024 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    80 4016 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    80 3516 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    80 4208 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    80 6020 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    80 6028 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    From sp_who2 results show this picture:








    After 11:00 o'clock the same processes show this picture:

    from sysprocesses:

    80 0 0 0x0000 0 MISCELLANEOUS


    85 sleeping

    Can any one help me?

  • The last wait time is a scheduler yield, but from what I can see, the curent wait type is 0 (0x000) and the wait time is 0. Hence the process is running, not waiting.

    What I would suggest is that you run profiler over the period. Trace the events T-SQL:StmtCompleted and SP:StmtCompleted. Make sure you include the CPU column. Look for the statements with the highest CPU usage and see if you can optimise them. Most likely by fixing the code, sometimes by fixing the indexing.

    You may also be able to use the following to identify queries using a lot of CPU. If you're using SP, you can uncomment the line to get the name of the stored proc. If not, you'll have to check the DBID and then use object_name within that database

    select top 50

    st.objectid, st.dbid,

    -- object_name(st.objectid, st.dbid), -- uncomment this line if you're using SQL 2005 SP2

    total_worker_time/execution_count AS AverageCPUTime,

    CASE statement_end_offset

    WHEN -1 THEN st.text

    ELSE SUBSTRING(st.text,statement_start_offset/2,statement_end_offset/2)

    END AS StatementText


    sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) st

    ORDER BY AverageCPUTime DESC

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • evgkushnir (3/20/2008)

    Hi every one.

    I have a problem.

    I have SQL Server 2005 Standart Editon x86.

    Memory: 8 GB

    CPU: 8

    It's a report server.

    All queries rum from application server.

    Every day from 09:00 to 11:00 cpu utilisation is 100%

    In sysprocesses table many rows have SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD value in lastwaittime column.

    80 5360 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    80 4716 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    80 6024 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    80 4016 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    80 3516 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    80 4208 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    80 6020 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    80 6028 0 0x0000 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    From sp_who2 results show this picture:








    After 11:00 o'clock the same processes show this picture:

    from sysprocesses:

    80 0 0 0x0000 0 MISCELLANEOUS


    85 sleeping

    Can any one help me?


    This sounds like a scheduled job, which is pressure CPU to a point, but as GilaMonster already mentioned, its running fine. I suspect you may have lots of table\index scans and\or excessive joins for report queries. Has this been an issue long-term or has it just recently surfaced?


    Phillip Cox

    MCITP - DBAdmin| MCTS - SQL Server 2005

  • You can also use dbcc inputbuffer() to see executing code associated with a particular spid.

    Are you seeing any blocking?

    Definitely looks like someone or something is running some massive code.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • My 64bit SQL 2005 Cluster can go AWOL on a specific queries. 100% CPU, IO and CPU at a virtual stand-still, and SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD dominates exclusively. No real work was being performed.

    Classic feedback on blogs regarding this problem point to CPU pressure and in my case with my monster DELL 580L, no indication that CPU was a problem. Just by executing my statement I could instantaneously send the CPU from ~8% to 100% !!!! After much playing around I discovered that my query went AWOL when executing part of the WHERE clause which included a check for NULL (ApplicationNbr IS NULL). Moving this statement around within the WHERE and 2 LEFT JOIN clauses would not help. Tried DBCC FREERPOCCACHE AND DROPCLEANBUFFERS, no luck ! Tried breaking all connections and reconnected with both a WINDOWS and then SQL Server login, no luck ! My buddy next to me executed the same statement and it executed in seconds !!! Eventually, after my tinkering, my buddies query finally began to misbehave exactly as it was for me. I need to mention my

    indexes are either rebuilt (fragmentation > 30%) or reorg' (< 30%) every night and many tables had there stats updated after each fresh data load.

    SOLUTION: UPDATE STATISTICS on key table used within the query. My query returned in < 10 seconds where before I was killing it after 10, 20, 30 minutes (my tables were completely cached in memory) SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD gone, query executing normal, PAGEIOLATCH waits everywhere... yea !!!

    What I believe was happening is that SQL Server chose execution plans that were absolutely lemon when passed to the UMS Scheduler. Like a dog chasing its tail, the execution went to the runnable queue, pre-emptively yielded to another thread to only be placed back on the bottom of the runnable queue.... and around around around she went.... no work done.. just merry-go-round with the scheduler/CPU.. all 8 physical, 16 logical total !!! Hmmmm... this explains growing CPU wait time and non-accruing logical IO/physical IO activity.

    For many of you suffering - and there are quite a few- I hope this solution solves your problem.



  • blake colson (10/1/2008)

    SOLUTION: UPDATE STATISTICS on key table used within the query. My query returned in < 10 seconds where before I was killing it after 10, 20, 30 minutes (my tables were completely cached in memory) SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD gone, query executing normal, PAGEIOLATCH waits everywhere... yea !!!

    What I believe was happening is that SQL Server chose execution plans that were absolutely lemon when passed to the UMS Scheduler. Like a dog chasing its tail, the execution went to the runnable queue, pre-emptively yielded to another thread to only be placed back on the bottom of the runnable queue.... and around around around she went.... no work done.. just merry-go-round with the scheduler/CPU.. all 8 physical, 16 logical total !!! Hmmmm... this explains growing CPU wait time and non-accruing logical IO/physical IO activity.

    For many of you suffering - and there are quite a few- I hope this solution solves your problem.


    All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you! This solution resolved same issue I've battled for hours today.


  • blake colson (10/1/2008)

    SOLUTION: UPDATE STATISTICS on key table used within the query. My query returned in < 10 seconds where before I was killing it after 10, 20, 30 minutes (my tables were completely cached in memory) SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD gone, query executing normal, PAGEIOLATCH waits everywhere... yea !!!

    Bad statistics result in bad execution plans. It's often as simple as that.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Blake, you should consider disabling hyperthreading (you mentioned 8 physical, 16 logical cores). HT often leads to worse performance not better in SQL Server environments. Test with your data and apps to see.

    Whether or not you disable HT, also look at lowering max deg of parallelism to 4+- to see if that offers improved performance and fewer CXPACKET waits if you are having those. If the system is a well-tuned OLTP one consider setting maxdop to 1 (MS best practice).

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Reducing MaxDop is a classic internet text book/bandaid response which 99.999% results in unacceptable results. If you're messing with maxdop, then I'd say you're short on experience and plenty on reading. No substitute. Rewriting the query and either adding or utilizing existing indexes is the preferred solution. A good working knowledge of the disk subsystem and its interaction with SQL Server is undervalued. Read everuthing Bob Dorr wrote..... and then prepare for a deeper understanding. -CQLBoy


  • Two-year-old-thread alert.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • blake colson-405790 (6/5/2010)

    Reducing MaxDop is a classic internet text book/bandaid response which 99.999% results in unacceptable results. If you're messing with maxdop, then I'd say you're short on experience and plenty on reading. No substitute. Rewriting the query and either adding or utilizing existing indexes is the preferred solution. A good working knowledge of the disk subsystem and its interaction with SQL Server is undervalued. Read everuthing Bob Dorr wrote..... and then prepare for a deeper understanding. -CQLBoy

    CQLboy, sorry, but your reply displays firstly, a total disregard for professional curtsey and secondly, what you accuse your peers of, a lack of both experience and knowledge of SQL server.

  • Iain, please do not respond to years old threads like this. Thanks in advance!

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • SQL server does not do math(graphics, cure for cancer) it does IO. I have argued this with Microsoft many times when they say yeah but our indexes use parrell plans blah blah. I say prove to me that setting the max dop to anything but 1 to disable max dop does anything bug increase performance by 20%. I have yet to be proven wrong. As always I will read anything you can provide to prove me wrong.

  • Here you go: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/paul_white/archive/2011/07/07/bitmap-magic.aspx

    A parallel query that runs faster than the serial query and uses less CPU. You're welcome.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • I would like to do some testing but I get this call often. Server a Runs slower than server b with the same query blah blah blah. Those queries are failing a lot of the basic rules.

    1. Never use a heap because it leads to table scans which causes blocking, leaf level fragmentation, locks the entire table preventing inserts updates ect.

    2. It is a laptop not a server that is not built for threading and not using storage. Single user the article would be correct but with a bunch of users not sure it would still be the same.

    3. What happens when you through 1000 users doing other things to the database, inserts updates and deletes backups ect. Point being never base server performance on a single query or just a short amount of time.

    4. I do not see stored procedures with stats being updated.

    My thought is that when you through a bunch of users on a box they are all going to have to wait for that query plan to built then executed. So you will see huge waits with the other queries waiting to be run and you will not see this query fail but the queries waiting in line behind it.

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