Difficult Table Query

  • How would a guy go about selecting data out of a table in this situation.

    I want to start at the beginning of a table say itemnum 1 in the table and do a query on every item in that table.

    When a certain criteria is found I want to select that row into a temp table and continue selecting each row after that into the table also, until another set of criteria is met and then continue on down through the file.

    For example if I have rows 1-5000 and row 10 meets the criteria that I want to start writing to a temp table. I would want it to put row 10 into the temp table and then continue with each row after that until it comes to the next criteria say that is found in row 20. So in my temp table I would have rows 10-20, then I would want the query to continue through the table until it finds the correct criteria and start inserting then when it finds the stop criteria stop inserting.

    IF this does not make sense please do let me know and I can try to be more clear, what I am asking I don’t think is that hard, however with my limited knowledge I am struggling and Would really appreciate a little help.

    Thanks so much in advance!!!

  • i have few questions

    1. How many criterias are there?

    2. Is it possible that criteria 1 would come again after row 20 say at row 200?

    3. What is the main purpose behind doing the required task this way?

  • Hi,

    Actually, I tried something based on your explanation.

    declare @i int

    set @i = 0;

    while ( @i < = 290)


    if ((@i >= 10 ) and (@i <= 20 ))


    insert into #temp

    select * from HumanResources.Employee where EmployeeID = @i


    set @i = @i + 1


    select * from #temp

    If you explain your requirement still clearly, I will try to find out the solution for that. Just try this.

  • Hi,

    Provide us some TableDefinitions along with sample Datas and expected Results from them along with the conditions to match in the Table to help you in querying


  • As others have already pointed out, to really answer the question you need to post some structures and some sample code.

    But, taking a stab at it, it sure sounds like you're just talking about a regular old query. Don't get hung up on this idea of walking through the data row-by-row. That's not set-based thinking. Think in terms of operating against the entire data set, all at once, or in a couple of passes, but not pushing & pulling data into temporary tables matching each row to some arbitrary value. That's what Jeff Moden calls rbar, Row-By-Agonizing-Row, processing.

    Instead, determine that you have a base set of data, your table, that has to meet one piece of criteria, col1 is greater than 10, and another set of criteria, col1 is less than 20. Now you have the beginning of your query. The engine will worry about the row-by-row matches. You worry about arriving at the set:

    SELECT *

    FROM TableA AS a

    WHERE a.Col1>10 AND a.Col1 <20

    Then, if you determine that every time there's an odd number in Col1 you need to show the string "Odd" and the column value but every time it's "Even" you need to show that and the column value, again, you adjust this set, not try to walk this set or the original table, row-by-row.

    SELECT a.Col1

    ,CASE WHEN (Col1%2=0) THEN 'Even'

    ELSE 'Odd' END AS ColName

    FROM TableA AS a

    WHERE a.Col1>10 AND a.Col1 <20

    No walking through the table. It's a set. Always think about the set that you want to arrive at and how best to arrive at it. Don't think about rows.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • First off Let me say thanks for your prompt response, to all who replied. I hope this makes it much more clear what I am trying to accomplish.

    The query I was refering to earlier would use the following data, but much much more of it. I would want to start pulling the rows where k1=200050 and k6=9 and then stop when K1!=200050 and k6=9. So for example If I could have a query do what I wanted on this table the first section it would grab would be from itemnum 2930 - 2934 then it would start skipping rows until it came to itemnum 2941 and would then select until it hit itemnum 2943. So the groupings of items I woudl like to see would be in this example


    2930 - 2934

    2941 - 2943

    2974 - 2991

    2998 - 3001

    My start point is the k1=200050 and k6=9

    My stop point would be where k1!=200050 and k6=9

    I need it to go through the whole table starting and stoping. Please let me know your thoughts.

    item- K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9


    2930 200050 0 1001.50 0 20002000045 9 0 0 8290251

    2931 105010 0 118.50 0 20002000046 601 0 0 8290251

    2932 564857 601 600.00 0 2000047 0 0 0 9210033

    2933 987654 868 355.00 0 2000048 0 0 0 44444444

    2934 12597 869 165.00 0 20002000049 51 0 0 8290251

    2935 10727 0 2399.60 0 20002000050 9 0 0 8290251

    2936 105030 0 1369.23 0 20002000051 703 0 0 8290251

    2937 200050 2200 67.60 0 20002000052 51 0 0 8290251

    2938 852369 56601 962.77 0 2000053 0 0 0 9210070

    2939 500050 0 121.30 0 20002000054 373 0 0 8290251

    2940 200050 2201 121.30 0 20002000055 51 0 0 8290251

    2941 200050 0 106.40 0 20002000056 9 0 0 8290251

    2942 654987 121201 40.40 0 2000057 0 0 0 9210033

    2943 200070 1402 66.00 0 20002000058 51 0 0 8290251

    2944 200070 0 525.00 0 20002000059 9 0 0 8290251

    2945 200050 2203 275.20 0 20002000060 51 0 0 8290251

    2946 5760001 0 249.80 0 20002000061 500 0 0 56100000

    2948 200060 601 41.00 0 20002000063 51 0 0 8290251

    2949 200060 602 58.50 0 20002000064 51 0 0 8290251

    2950 300110 0 78.20 0 20002000065 145 0 0 8290251

    2951 300080 0 199.00 0 20002000066 109 0 0 8290251

    2952 105030 0 40.40 0 20002000067 703 0 0 8290251

    2953 200060 603 26.10 0 20002000068 51 0 0 8290251

    2954 200080 1592 32.50 0 20002000069 51 0 0 8290251

    2955 200080 1591 100.00 0 20002000070 51 0 0 8290251

    2956 400070 0 500.00 0 20002000071 209 0 0 8290251

    2957 902565 0 500.00 0 20002000072 145 0 0 8290251

    2958 400050 0 1000.00 0 20002000073 209 0 0 8290251

    2959 95162847 35687 1000.00 0 2000074 0 0 0 44444444

    2960 300050 0 120.00 0 20002000075 109 0 0 8290251

    2961 200070 1400 116.60 0 20002000076 51 0 0 8290251

    2962 105030 0 3.40 0 20002000077 703 0 0 8290251

    2963 105010 0 75.00 0 20002000078 601 0 0 8290251

    2964 300060 0 75.00 0 20002000079 145 0 0 8290251

    2965 300070 0 40.00 0 20002000080 109 0 0 8290251

    2966 1045001 0 40.00 0 20002000081 500 0 0 56100000

    2967 348228 0 219.95 0 20002000082 373 0 0 8290251

    2968 200070 1403 219.95 0 20002000083 51 0 0 8290251

    2969 352810 0 197.20 0 20002000084 375 0 0 8290251

    2970 200080 1593 197.20 0 20002000085 51 0 0 8290251

    2974 200050 0 375.25 0 20002000006 9 0 0 8290251

    2975 105030 0 30.30 0 20002000007 703 0 0 8290251

    2976 200080 1595 111.30 0 20002000008 51 0 0 8290251

    2977 200060 606 77.25 0 20002000009 51 0 0 8290251

    2978 200070 1401 156.40 0 20002000010 51 0 0 8290251

    2979 400080 0 2500.00 0 20002000011 209 0 0 8290251

    2980 1234567 25161 2500.00 0 2000012 0 0 0 44444444

    2981 400060 0 250.00 0 20002000013 209 0 0 8290251

    2982 5760001 0 250.00 0 20002000014 500 0 0 8290251

    2983 300080 0 200.00 0 20002000015 109 0 0 8290251

    2984 56897412 7899 45.00 0 2000016 0 0 0 44444444

    2985 57891532 1699 155.00 0 2000017 0 0 0 44444444

    2986 300070 0 80.00 0 20002000018 109 0 0 8290251

    2987 56897412 7898 80.00 0 2000019 0 0 0 44444444

    2988 300060 0 100.00 0 20002000020 109 0 0 8290251

    2989 105030 0 100.00 0 20002000021 703 0 0 8290251

    2990 105010 0 25.00 0 20002000022 601 0 0 8290251

    2991 300050 0 25.00 0 20002000023 145 0 0 8290251

    2992 200070 0 310.30 0 20002000024 9 0 0 8290251

    2993 105030 0 103.30 0 20002000025 703 0 0 8290251

    2994 200060 600 54.10 0 20002000026 51 0 0 8290251

    2995 200060 604 33.30 0 20002000027 51 0 0 8290251

    2996 200050 2205 44.60 0 20002000028 51 0 0 8290251

    2997 200080 1594 75.00 0 20002000029 51 0 0 8290251

    2998 200050 0 225.00 0 20002000030 9 0 0 8290251

    2999 105030 0 57.30 0 20002000031 703 0 0 8290251

    3000 200070 1407 11.50 0 20002000032 51 0 0 8290251

    3001 200080 1597 156.20 0 20002000033 51 0 0 8290251

    3002 200080 0 633.20 0 20002000034 9 0 0 8290251

    3003 105030 0 23.40 0 20002000035 703 0 0 8290251

    3005 200070 1405 101.20 0 20002000037 51 0 0 8290251

    3006 200050 2202 25.30 0 20002000038 51 0 0 8290251

  • SQL will only return a entire recordset. If you need to inspect some column in each row and do something with the column. You will need to use the FETCH method. Below is an example.

    DECLARE @company varchar(5), @program varchar(5)

    DECLARE personnel_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT company ,program FROM HITSInventoryPersonnel

    ORDER BY company

    OPEN personnel_cursor

    -- Perform the first fetch.

    FETCH NEXT FROM personnel_cursor

    INTO @company, @program

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.



    If @company = 'AFL'


    update HITSInventoryPersonnel set program='AFL'

    where current of personnel_cursor -- update current fetched row


    If @company = 'HITS'


    update HITSInventoryPersonnel set program='HITS'

    where current of personnel_cursor -- update current fetched row


    FETCH NEXT FROM personnel_cursor

    INTO @company, @program


    CLOSE personnel_cursor

    DEALLOCATE personnel_cursor

  • Or, as has been sugested previously - you can do it in a set-based fashion.

    this should do pretty well, especially when compared to Cursor methods. It does rely on making sure that your sequences are well formed (so you'd have to have perfectly alternating "starts and ends". Two starts or 2 ends in a row would lead to junk).

    --build some test data

    drop table items

    create table items(itemnum int ,K1 int,K2 int,K3 numeric(18,9),K4 int,K5 bigint,K6 int,K7 int,K8 int,K9 bigint)

    insert items(itemnum,K1,K2,K3,K4,K5, K6,K7,K8,K9)

    select 2930,200050,0,1001.50,0,20002000045,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2931,105010,0,118.50,0,20002000046,601,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2932,564857,601,600.00,0,2000047,0,0,0,9210033 Union all

    select 2933,987654,868,355.00,0,2000048,0,0,0,44444444 Union all

    select 2934,12597,869,165.00,0,20002000049,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2935,10727,0,2399.60,0,20002000050,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2936,105030,0,1369.23,0,20002000051,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2937,200050,2200,67.60,0,20002000052,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2938,852369,56601,962.77,0,2000053,0,0,0,9210070 Union all

    select 2939,500050,0,121.30,0,20002000054,373,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2940,200050,2201,121.30,0,20002000055,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2941,200050,0,106.40,0,20002000056,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2942,654987,121201,40.40,0,2000057,0,0,0,9210033 Union all

    select 2943,200070,1402,66.00,0,20002000058,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2944,200070,0,525.00,0,20002000059,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2945,200050,2203,275.20,0,20002000060,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2946,5760001,0,249.80,0,20002000061,500,0,0,56100000 Union all

    select 2948,200060,601,41.00,0,20002000063,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2949,200060,602,58.50,0,20002000064,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2950,300110,0,78.20,0,20002000065,145,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2951,300080,0,199.00,0,20002000066,109,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2952,105030,0,40.40,0,20002000067,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2953,200060,603,26.10,0,20002000068,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2954,200080,1592,32.50,0,20002000069,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2955,200080,1591,100.00,0,20002000070,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2956,400070,0,500.00,0,20002000071,209,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2957,902565,0,500.00,0,20002000072,145,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2958,400050,0,1000.00,0,20002000073,209,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2959,95162847,35687,1000.00,0,2000074,0,0,0,44444444 Union all

    select 2960,300050,0,120.00,0,20002000075,109,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2961,200070,1400,116.60,0,20002000076,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2962,105030,0,3.40,0,20002000077,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2963,105010,0,75.00,0,20002000078,601,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2964,300060,0,75.00,0,20002000079,145,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2965,300070,0,40.00,0,20002000080,109,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2966,1045001,0,40.00,0,20002000081,500,0,0,56100000 Union all

    select 2967,348228,0,219.95,0,20002000082,373,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2968,200070,1403,219.95,0,20002000083,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2969,352810,0,197.20,0,20002000084,375,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2970,200080,1593,197.20,0,20002000085,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2974,200050,0,375.25,0,20002000006,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2975,105030,0,30.30,0,20002000007,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2976,200080,1595,111.30,0,20002000008,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2977,200060,606,77.25,0,20002000009,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2978,200070,1401,156.40,0,20002000010,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2979,400080,0,2500.00,0,20002000011,209,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2980,1234567,25161,2500.00,0,2000012,0,0,0,44444444 Union all

    select 2981,400060,0,250.00,0,20002000013,209,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2982,5760001,0,250.00,0,20002000014,500,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2983,300080,0,200.00,0,20002000015,109,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2984,56897412,7899,45.00,0,2000016,0,0,0,44444444 Union all

    select 2985,57891532,1699,155.00,0,2000017,0,0,0,44444444 Union all

    select 2986,300070,0,80.00,0,20002000018,109,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2987,56897412,7898,80.00,0,2000019,0,0,0,44444444 Union all

    select 2988,300060,0,100.00,0,20002000020,109,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2989,105030,0,100.00,0,20002000021,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2990,105010,0,25.00,0,20002000022,601,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2991,300050,0,25.00,0,20002000023,145,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2992,200070,0,310.30,0,20002000024,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2993,105030,0,103.30,0,20002000025,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2994,200060,600,54.10,0,20002000026,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2995,200060,604,33.30,0,20002000027,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2996,200050,2205,44.60,0,20002000028,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2997,200080,1594,75.00,0,20002000029,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2998,200050,0,225.00,0,20002000030,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2999,105030,0,57.30,0,20002000031,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 3000,200070,1407,11.50,0,20002000032,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 3001,200080,1597,156.20,0,20002000033,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 3002,200080,0,633.20,0,20002000034,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 3003,105030,0,23.40,0,20002000035,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 3005,200070,1405,101.20,0,20002000037,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 3006,200050,2202,25.30,0,20002000038,51,0,0,8290251

    --actual query starts here

    ;with startrangecte as (

    select row_number() OVER (order by itemnum) RN,


    from items

    where k1=200050 and k6=9),

    Endrangecte as (

    select row_number() OVER (order by itemnum) RN,


    from items

    where k1!=200050 and k6=9)

    select startrangecte.rn seq,


    from startrangecte

    inner join endrangeCTE on startrangecte.rn=endrangeCTE.rn

    join items on items.itemnum>=startrangecte.itemnum and items.itemnum<endrangeCTE.itemnum

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Instead of manually creating the table import it using dts or ssis.

  • Richter,

    Stay away from the cursors/loops solutions and stick with the set based methods that Grant and Matt have posted. If you can, post back some feedback so we all know if you've been helped.

    Another question I would ask is, what are you going to do with it once you have it in a temp table? You may not even need the temp table at all.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • I'll go one further, use Matt's solution. That looks good from where I sit.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Guys this is great, it works perfect in 2005, however it turns out I am going to need it to work in 2000, is there a simple conversion to make it work there?

  • RICHTER (5/22/2008)

    Guys this is great, it works perfect in 2005, however it turns out I am going to need it to work in 2000, is there a simple conversion to make it work there?

    gets a lot less obvious - but it can be done. 2000 solution at the bottom:

    --build some test data

    drop table #ranges

    drop table items

    create table items(itemnum int ,K1 int,K2 int,K3 numeric(18,9),K4 int,K5 bigint,K6 int,K7 int,K8 int,K9 bigint)

    insert items(itemnum,K1,K2,K3,K4,K5, K6,K7,K8,K9)

    select 2930,200050,0,1001.50,0,20002000045,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2931,105010,0,118.50,0,20002000046,601,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2932,564857,601,600.00,0,2000047,0,0,0,9210033 Union all

    select 2933,987654,868,355.00,0,2000048,0,0,0,44444444 Union all

    select 2934,12597,869,165.00,0,20002000049,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2935,10727,0,2399.60,0,20002000050,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2936,105030,0,1369.23,0,20002000051,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2937,200050,2200,67.60,0,20002000052,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2938,852369,56601,962.77,0,2000053,0,0,0,9210070 Union all

    select 2939,500050,0,121.30,0,20002000054,373,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2940,200050,2201,121.30,0,20002000055,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2941,200050,0,106.40,0,20002000056,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2942,654987,121201,40.40,0,2000057,0,0,0,9210033 Union all

    select 2943,200070,1402,66.00,0,20002000058,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2944,200070,0,525.00,0,20002000059,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2945,200050,2203,275.20,0,20002000060,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2946,5760001,0,249.80,0,20002000061,8,0,0,56100000 Union all

    select 2948,200060,601,41.00,0,20002000063,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2949,200060,602,58.50,0,20002000064,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2950,300110,0,78.20,0,20002000065,145,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2951,300080,0,199.00,0,20002000066,109,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2952,105030,0,40.40,0,20002000067,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2953,200060,603,26.10,0,20002000068,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2954,200080,1592,32.50,0,20002000069,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2955,200080,1591,100.00,0,20002000070,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2956,400070,0,500.00,0,20002000071,209,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2957,902565,0,500.00,0,20002000072,145,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2958,400050,0,1000.00,0,20002000073,209,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2959,95162847,35687,1000.00,0,2000074,0,0,0,44444444 Union all

    select 2960,300050,0,120.00,0,20002000075,109,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2961,200070,1400,116.60,0,20002000076,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2962,105030,0,3.40,0,20002000077,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2963,105010,0,75.00,0,20002000078,601,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2964,300060,0,75.00,0,20002000079,145,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2965,300070,0,40.00,0,20002000080,109,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2966,1045001,0,40.00,0,20002000081,500,0,0,56100000 Union all

    select 2967,348228,0,219.95,0,20002000082,373,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2968,200070,1403,219.95,0,20002000083,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2969,352810,0,197.20,0,20002000084,375,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2970,200080,1593,197.20,0,20002000085,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2974,200050,0,375.25,0,20002000006,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2975,105030,0,30.30,0,20002000007,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2976,200080,1595,111.30,0,20002000008,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2977,200060,606,77.25,0,20002000009,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2978,200070,1401,156.40,0,20002000010,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2979,400080,0,2500.00,0,20002000011,209,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2980,1234567,25161,2500.00,0,2000012,0,0,0,44444444 Union all

    select 2981,400060,0,250.00,0,20002000013,209,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2982,5760001,0,250.00,0,20002000014,500,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2983,300080,0,200.00,0,20002000015,109,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2984,56897412,7899,45.00,0,2000016,0,0,0,44444444 Union all

    select 2985,57891532,1699,155.00,0,2000017,0,0,0,44444444 Union all

    select 2986,300070,0,80.00,0,20002000018,109,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2987,56897412,7898,80.00,0,2000019,0,0,0,44444444 Union all

    select 2988,300060,0,100.00,0,20002000020,109,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2989,105030,0,100.00,0,20002000021,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2990,105010,0,25.00,0,20002000022,601,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2991,300050,0,25.00,0,20002000023,145,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2992,200070,0,310.30,0,20002000024,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2993,105030,0,103.30,0,20002000025,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2994,200060,600,54.10,0,20002000026,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2995,200060,604,33.30,0,20002000027,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2996,200050,2205,44.60,0,20002000028,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2997,200080,1594,75.00,0,20002000029,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2998,200050,0,225.00,0,20002000030,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 2999,105030,0,57.30,0,20002000031,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 3000,200070,1407,11.50,0,20002000032,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 3001,200080,1597,156.20,0,20002000033,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 3002,200080,0,633.20,0,20002000034,9,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 3003,105030,0,23.40,0,20002000035,703,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 3005,200070,1405,101.20,0,20002000037,51,0,0,8290251 Union all

    select 3006,200050,2202,25.30,0,20002000038,51,0,0,8290251

    --actual query starts here

    ;with startrangecte as (

    select row_number() OVER (order by itemnum) RN,


    from items

    where k1=200050 and k6=9),

    Endrangecte as (

    select row_number() OVER (order by itemnum) RN,


    from items

    where k1!=200050 and k6=9)

    select startrangecte.rn seq,


    from startrangecte

    inner join endrangeCTE on startrangecte.rn=endrangeCTE.rn

    join items on items.itemnum>=startrangecte.itemnum and items.itemnum<endrangeCTE.itemnum

    --SQL Server 2000 edition

    select Itemnum,

    case when k1=200050 then 1 else 0 end start,

    cast(0 as int) seq,

    cast(0 as int) ignore

    into #ranges

    from items where k6=9

    create unique clustered index uci_rng on #ranges(itemnum)

    declare @prevrow int

    set @prevrow =0;

    declare @seq int

    set @seq=0;

    declare @dummyseq int

    declare @dummy bit

    update #ranges

    set @seq=seq=case when start=1 then @seq+1

    when start=0 then @seq

    else null end,

    @dummyseq=ignore= case when start=@prevrow then 1 else 0 end ,




    from #ranges with (index(uci_rng),tablockx)

    select items.*, rng.seq

    from items

    join (select seq,

    min(itemnum) startnum,

    max(itemnum) endnum

    from #ranges

    where ignore=0

    group by seq) rng

    on items.itemnum>=rng.startnum and items.itemnum<rng.endnum

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

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