Combining multiple lines from one table into one row of a view

  • I need to combine information from multiple rows of one table

    into one row of a view, to duplicate a table that had originally

    been created from old mainframe data.

    In the SQL database, one table contains land information, and will have

    many land segments for each piece of property. Another table contains

    property information, and a third table links the two together. The

    mainframe had a fixed limit of how many land segments could be attached

    to each property, so this view must be limited to the first six land


    So, I created the following CTE to number the land segments:

    WITH Land_CTE (LandLineNumber, UseCode, UnitPrice,

    FrontFeet, Property_ID, Land_ID) AS


    L.Usecode, L.UnitPrice, L.Frontage, P.Property_ID, L.Land_ID

    FROM Property P

    JOIN Property2Land P2L ON P2L.Property_ID=P.Property_ID

    JOIN Land L ON L.Land_ID = P2L.Land_ID)

    Then, in the next statements, I've created multiple subqueries to

    retrieve the UseCode and UnitPrice for landline#1 thru landline#6, as

    well as one to calculate the total front feet of all landlines associated

    with one property. Here's a snippet of that code:


    WHERE Property.Property_ID = Land_CTE.Property_ID) AS FRONT_FT,

    (SELECT UseCode FROM LAND_CTE WHERE LandLineNumber = 1

    AND Property.Property_ID = Land_CTE.Property_ID) AS USE_CODE_1,

    (SELECT UnitPrice FROM LAND_CTE WHERE LandLineNumber = 1

    AND Property.Property_ID = Land_CTE.Property_ID) AS UNIT_PRICE_1,

    (SELECT UseCode FROM LAND_CTE WHERE LandLineNumber = 2

    AND Property.Property_ID = Land_CTE.Property_ID) AS USE_CODE_2,

    (SELECT UnitPrice FROM LAND_CTE WHERE LandLineNumber = 2

    AND Property.Property_ID = Land_CTE.Property_ID) AS UNIT_PRICE_2,

    This is generating the information I need in the view, but is there a better

    way to do this? (I'm still learning this stuff, so please be gentle!)


  • please post a sample of the desired output. it's hard (for me) to understand what you want.

  • I want to end up with a table that has:

    1) Property_ID

    2) Sum of front feet of all land segments associated with that property

    3) Land use code of first land segment associated with that property

    4) Land unit price of first land segment associated with that property

    5) Land use code of second land segment associated with that property

    6) Land unit price of second land segment associated with that property

    7) Land use code of third land segment associated with that property

    8) Land unit price of third land segment associated with that property

    9) Land use code of fourth land segment associated with that property

    10) Land unit price of fourth land segment associated with that property

    11) Land use code of fifth land segment associated with that property

    12) Land unit price of fifth land segment associated with that property

    13) Land use code of sixth land segment associated with that property

    14) Land unit price of sixth land segment associated with that property

    The use code and unit price of the seventh and greater land segments that may be associated with a property are not included. (The front feet is still included.) And if there are less than six, those will be NULL in the final table.

    The land table has a row for every individual land segment. The CTE allowed me to effectively number the land segments per property, and then the subqueries allowed me to pull the specific use code or unit price, based on the row number of the land segment.

    I hope that's clearer!

  • Have you considered the PIVOT operator? SQL 2005 provides this rather convenient method to convert rows to columns (and UNPIVOT to do the reverse). As an example, let's use your CTE as the source. Also, convert the two values you need from each row into a single character string, e.g.

    CAST(Use_Code AS char(20)) + CAST(Front_Feet AS char(20) AS COMBINED_DATA

    Then you can do something along the lines of:

    SELECT PROPERTY_ID, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]



    [4],[5],[6])) AS PVT

    Converting back in a subsequent step should be pretty easy, e.g.:

    CAST(RTRIM(LEFT([1],20)) AS varchar(nn)) AS USE_CODE_1, CAST(RTRIM(RIGHT([1],20)) AS int) AS FRONT_FEET_1, ...

    Look up PIVOT in SQL Books Online and you can see how it operates. It's a lot easier to read and understand the T-SQL using PIVOT or UNPIVOT than to have to go halfway around the block with manual manipulation. Hope that helps.


    (aka smunson)


  • Thanks for the suggestion. I'll see what I can do with it. (It's taking me a bit to get my head around this, but I'll be sure to post again to let you know if I got this to work or not.)

    And if anyone has additional ideas, I'll take them too!


  • try this

    create table #data ( propertyId int, segmentNum int,

    useCode varchar(8), price money, frontage decimal(8,2), acerage decimal(8,2))

    insert into #data

    select 1, 1, 'A', 16000, 75, 1.25 union

    select 1, 2, 'A1', 7000, 25, .8 union

    select 1, 3, 'A1', 6000, 75, 1.25 union

    select 2, 1, 'B', 3000, 35, .25 union

    select 2, 2, 'A1', 2000, 35, .25 union

    select 2, 3, 'A1', 2000, 35, .25 union

    select 2, 4, 'B2', 2000, 35, .25 union

    select 2, 5, 'B3', 2000, 35, .25 union

    select 2, 6, 'B4', 3500, 45, .35 union

    select 2, 7, 'B5', 3000, 45, .30 union

    select 3, 1, 'A1', 8000, 65, .9 union

    select 3, 2, 'A1', 8000, 60, .8

    select * from #data

    select D0.propertyId, D0.frontage,

    D1.useCode, D1.price,

    D2.useCode, D2.price,

    D3.useCode, D3.price,

    D4.useCode, D4.price,

    D5.useCode, D5.price,

    D6.useCode, D6.price

    from (select propertyId, sum(frontage) as frontage

    from #data group by propertyId) as D0

    left outer join #data D1 on D0.propertyId = D1.propertyId and D1.segmentNum = 1

    left outer join #data D2 on D0.propertyId = D2.propertyId and D2.segmentNum = 2

    left outer join #data D3 on D0.propertyId = D3.propertyId and D3.segmentNum = 3

    left outer join #data D4 on D0.propertyId = D4.propertyId and D4.segmentNum = 4

    left outer join #data D5 on D0.propertyId = D5.propertyId and D5.segmentNum = 5

    left outer join #data D6 on D0.propertyId = D6.propertyId and D6.segmentNum = 6

  • This looks more promising and more efficient than what I had originally set up. And I was getting stuck on the pivot table idea. So, let me get to work on this and see what I can do.

    Thanks for the ideas!


  • The CTE was a pretty good Idea - you could try this (this is the older version of a pivot table):

    ;WITH Land_CTE (LandLineNumber,





    Land_ID) AS







    FROM Property P

    JOIN Property2Land P2L ON P2L.Property_ID=P.Property_ID

    JOIN Land L ON L.Land_ID = P2L.Land_ID


    SELECT PropertyID,

    SUM(FrontFeet) AS FRONT_FT,

    Max(case when LandLineNumber=1 then UseCode else null end) as Use_Code_1,

    Max(case when LandLineNumber=1 then UnitPrice else null end) as Unit_Price_1,

    Max(case when LandLineNumber=2 then UseCode else null end) as Use_Code_2,

    Max(case when LandLineNumber=2 then UnitPrice else null end) as Unit_Price_2,

    Max(case when LandLineNumber=3 then UseCode else null end) as Use_Code_3,

    Max(case when LandLineNumber=3 then UnitPrice else null end) as Unit_Price_3,

    Max(case when LandLineNumber=4 then UseCode else null end) as Use_Code_4,

    Max(case when LandLineNumber=4 then UnitPrice else null end) as Unit_Price_4,

    Max(case when LandLineNumber=5 then UseCode else null end) as Use_Code_5,

    Max(case when LandLineNumber=5 then UnitPrice else null end) as Unit_Price_5,

    Max(case when LandLineNumber=6 then UseCode else null end) as Use_Code_6,

    Max(case when LandLineNumber=6 then UnitPrice else null end) as Unit_Price_6

    from LandCTE

    group by PropertyID

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • If it helps any, the PIVOT operator uses an aggregate function to consolidate information from a given column, based on possible values of a 2nd column. For character data, the only aggregate functions that work are MAX and MIN. You also have to know all the desired values for that 2nd column, and list them with braces. These new fields then have to go into your SELECT clause. These fields then pick up the aggregate value from the 1st column as their values, based on a record in the source data where the 2nd column matches in value to one of the listed values. Unfortunately, PIVOT can only do this for one column, so if multiple values need to come through the process, that's why I convert them to fixed-length character strings and concatenate them together first, and split them apart in a later step. Even if you don't use the technique on this task, it may come in handy later.


    (aka smunson)


    Gwen (5/29/2008)

    This looks more promising and more efficient than what I had originally set up. And I was getting stuck on the pivot table idea. So, let me get to work on this and see what I can do.

    Thanks for the ideas!


  • I really do appreciate these ideas. I'm still working on it, though, but right now I'm not even sure what to ask next. :unsure:

    Many thanks for the input.


  • Steve,

    By using the aggregate function on the COMBINED_DATA field, I'm

    getting multiple rows per property, rather than one row per property.

    Using the table #data Antonio posted earlier, the output is like:

    Property Use_1 Price_1 Use_2 Price_2 Use_3 Price_3 (etc)

    1 A 16000 null null null null

    1 null null A1 7000 null null

    1 null null null null A1 6000

    What I wanted was:

    Property Use_1 Price_1 Use_2 Price_2 Use_3 Price_3 (etc)

    1 A 16000 A1 7000 A1 7000

    And, because there are multiple rows returned, I can't join this to

    other tables, because property "cannot be bound."

    If I combine 6 unit codes and 6 unit prices in one big COMBINED_DATA

    field, that should give me one row per property. Perhaps I can work

    out a series of Lefts and Rights to parse the data back out.

    The fun continues...


  • Can you post the T-SQL that provides this result?


    (aka smunson)


    Gwen (6/4/2008)


    By using the aggregate function on the COMBINED_DATA field, I'm

    getting multiple rows per property, rather than one row per property.

    Using the table #data Antonio posted earlier, the output is like:

    Property Use_1 Price_1 Use_2 Price_2 Use_3 Price_3 (etc)

    1 A 16000 null null null null

    1 null null A1 7000 null null

    1 null null null null A1 6000

    What I wanted was:

    Property Use_1 Price_1 Use_2 Price_2 Use_3 Price_3 (etc)

    1 A 16000 A1 7000 A1 7000

    And, because there are multiple rows returned, I can't join this to

    other tables, because property "cannot be bound."

    If I combine 6 unit codes and 6 unit prices in one big COMBINED_DATA

    field, that should give me one row per property. Perhaps I can work

    out a series of Lefts and Rights to parse the data back out.

    The fun continues...


  • Using the table #data from the earlier post:

    with land_cte (PropertyID, Row_Num, UseCode, Price, CombinedData, frontage) as

    (select propertyId, segmentNum, useCode, price,

    (cast(useCode AS char(4)) + cast(price as char(15))) as CombinedData, frontage from #data)

    select propertyid, [1],

    CAST(RTRIM(LEFT([1],4)) as varchar(4)) AS USE_CODE_1,

    CAST (RTRIM(RIGHT([1],15)) as varchar(15)) AS UNIT_PRICE_1,

    [2], [3],[4],[5],[6]

    from land_cte

    pivot (max(CombinedData) for Row_Num in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6])) as pvt

    Note: This output purposely only shows how [1] would be broken out into usecode and price.

  • Gwen -

    Your Pivot is doing a grouping by propertyID AND usecode, which is wrecking your "alignment". pull the usecode and price out (leave them in the combined), and I think you'll get the output you want.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • The pivot is an all at once kind of thing. It appears you're trying to do only one piece at a time, so take a look at the following code:


    PROPERTY_ID int,

    SEGMENT_NUM int,

    USE_CODE varchar(8),

    PRICE money,

    FRONTAGE decimal(8,2),

    ACREAGE decimal(8,2)



    SELECT 1, 1, 'A', 16000, 75, 1.25 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 2, 'A1', 7000, 25, .8 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 3, 'A1', 6000, 75, 1.25 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 1, 'B', 3000, 35, .25 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 2, 'A1', 2000, 35, .25 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 3, 'A1', 2000, 35, .25 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 4, 'B2', 2000, 35, .25 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 5, 'B3', 2000, 35, .25 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 6, 'B4', 3500, 45, .35 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 7, 'B5', 3000, 45, .30 UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 1, 'A1', 8000, 65, .9 UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 2, 'A1', 8000, 60, .8;







    SELECT *











    SELECT PROPERTY_ID, FRONTAGE_TOTAL, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]


    PIVOT (MAX(COMBINED_DATA) FOR SEGMENT_NUM IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6])) AS PVT



    CAST(RTRIM(LEFT([1],20)) AS varchar(8)) AS USE_CODE_1,

    CAST(RTRIM(RIGHT([1],20)) AS money) AS PRICE_1,

    CAST(RTRIM(LEFT([2],20)) AS varchar(8)) AS USE_CODE_2,

    CAST(RTRIM(RIGHT([2],20)) AS money) AS PRICE_2,

    CAST(RTRIM(LEFT([3],20)) AS varchar(8)) AS USE_CODE_3,

    CAST(RTRIM(RIGHT([3],20)) AS money) AS PRICE_3,

    CAST(RTRIM(LEFT([4],20)) AS varchar(8)) AS USE_CODE_4,

    CAST(RTRIM(RIGHT([4],20)) AS money) AS PRICE_4,

    CAST(RTRIM(LEFT([5],20)) AS varchar(8)) AS USE_CODE_5,

    CAST(RTRIM(RIGHT([5],20)) AS money) AS PRICE_5,

    CAST(RTRIM(LEFT([6],20)) AS varchar(8)) AS USE_CODE_6,

    CAST(RTRIM(RIGHT([6],20)) AS money) AS PRICE_6



    I had to use a table variable because I don't have access to temp table capability, but I think you can adapt this code to your CTE.


    (aka smunson)


    Gwen (6/5/2008)

    Using the table #data from the earlier post:

    with land_cte (PropertyID, Row_Num, UseCode, Price, CombinedData, frontage) as

    (select propertyId, segmentNum, useCode, price,

    (cast(useCode AS char(4)) + cast(price as char(15))) as CombinedData, frontage from #data)

    select propertyid, [1],

    CAST(RTRIM(LEFT([1],4)) as varchar(4)) AS USE_CODE_1,

    CAST (RTRIM(RIGHT([1],15)) as varchar(15)) AS UNIT_PRICE_1,

    [2], [3],[4],[5],[6]

    from land_cte

    pivot (max(CombinedData) for Row_Num in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6])) as pvt

    Note: This output purposely only shows how [1] would be broken out into usecode and price.

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