IIS required to install SQL 2005 Reporting Services?

  • We receive our servers "pre-built" from a corporate server support group. We had received two SQL 2005 servers both missing SSRS. When I installed SQL Dev edition on my system, I had IIS already installed (I'm just a web developer), and SSRS installed cleanly.

    When I went to connect to either of the servers (or create new registration for the server) they throw an exception as not being installed or misconfigured.

    I found an article on installing the SSRS portion, but before I enter the life-long process of requesting a change control ticket to have them finish the install, am I correct in identifying that they are not present?

    When it is added, does this require a server restart? What kind of outage do I need to plan for?


  • If you have access to the server, you can verify that SSRS is not installed by going to the Configuration Manager and looking for SQL Server Reporting Services. If it is not there, it hasn't been installed.

    I don't believe that a reboot is "required", but I always reboot after installing IIS and then again after every instance install (if possible). It may be a little paranoia coming through, but I just can't forget the NT4 days.


  • Corporate is claiming that having IIS, and Reporting services causes Database services to crash, and that's why it is not part of their standard build. They have deployed a reporting cluster that is separate from a database server. Has anyone had issues with SSRS crashing the database server? Anyone run a similar config with SSRS separate?

  • Due to spending constraint in the ORG i Work, we have to have all components installed on one BOX, so we have SSRS/SSIS/ENGINE/SSAS/BROWSER(Ofcourse) installed on a SINGLe INSTANCE of SQL Server 2005. We have been Running Heavy Reports and Cube Processings, Due to Real Time Reporting Requirements, and havent HEard any issues as of TODAY, with SERVER/Or MS SQL Server Hanging or STALLING... Except for once, we installed some Drivers from TRANSOFT, which were incompatible with SQL Server 2005.

  • I had near to 50 instances where SSRS and DB worked together. Nothing crashed in the last couple of years just because they are together.

  • I've never had IIS directly cause the database services to crash. Due to budget requirements, I run reporting services on the production database cluster without any issues.

    I've not had the pleasure of having a separate reporting services server, so I can't comment from experience. However, I believe that is how Microsoft would like to see it done:



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