How do you get/pass multi-value parameter to a drill-through report.

  • I have two reports...

    the query from Rpt A has:

    RowType Section Quantity

    1 section Name ###

    1 section Name ###

    2 Total sum(quantity)

    3 Available ###

    (RowType is used to control which rows have drill-through enabled.)

    Rpt B is set up where the Section is a multi-value parameter. There are no default values for this parameter.

    When drilling through on the section (from RptA), the parameter sets the one section and runs RptB just fine.

    What I'd like to do is enable the "Total" so that it will drill through to the report, passing all of the sections in RptA to RptB.

    Optionally, have RptA somehow tell RptB to "Select All".

    Any ideas on how to accomplish this?



    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Alright so I got this to work but I'm not 100% confident it's the best answer. What I did:

    1.) Created separate data set that returns comma delimited string of all values wishing to be passed to the drill through report

    2.) Under the navigation settings of the 'Total' row used this comma delimited string as the value being passed to the drill through reports multi-value input parameter

    This could be better if:

    1.) You could use some inline function to create the comma delimited string inside the table.

    1a.) I tried to use the Join() function to do this but it only appears to work with parameter values in the header

    2.) Return the comma delimited string as an additional field in data set (would eliminate the need for another call to the DB)

    I used the below stored proc (SQL 2005/8 only) to compose the comma delimited string of values from my table.

    IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[usp_join]'),N'IsProcedure')=1

    DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_join]


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_join]


    @p_table sysname

    ,@p_column sysname

    ,@p_delimiter char(1) = N ','




    -- Command to hold dynamic statement

    DECLARE @v_cmd nvarchar(255);

    -- Prepare command template


    (SELECT N''%d%'' AS "*"

    ,[%c%] AS "*"

    FROM [%t%]

    FOR XML PATH(N''''))


    ,16000); ' ;

    -- Replace tokens with parameter values

    SELECT @v_cmd = REPLACE(


    REPLACE(@v_cmd ,N'%t%',@p_table)





    -- Execute and check for errors


    exec sp_executesql @v_cmd;



    RAISERROR(N'Failed to execute "%s"',16,1,@v_cmd);


    RETURN (1);



    If that's too much for you just try using the SQL it dynamically produces, eg...





    N',' AS "*"

    , [FieldName] AS "*"




    XML PATH(N'')





    Hope this helps!


    Ben Sullins
    Beer is my primary key...

  • I think I'm onto something, but I'm having a problem.

    In RptA, I've added a hidden parameter: Sections (default="")

    I then added some custom code:

    Public Function SectionList(Section as String, ByRef Sections as String) As String

    If (Section <> "Total") and (Section <> "Available")

    Sections = Sections & IIF(Len(Sections)>0, ",", "") & Section

    End If

    Return Section

    End Function

    and for the section textbox in the table, I changed it from:



    =Code.SectionList(Fields!Section.Value, Parameters!Sections.Value)

    The function seems to be working (if I change the return Section to return Sections I can see what it's doing),


    the Sections parameter is not being updated. It's like it is read-only, but doesn't generate any write errors...

    So, for each call, all Sections contains is the one Section passed to it.


    1. Can the report parameter be written to?

    2. Can I have my own variable in the report?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • In case this can help anyone else, here's my solution

    In the Report Properties | Code section:

    Public Sections as String

    Public Function SectionList(Section as String) As String

    If (Section <> "Total") and (Section <> "Available")

    If IsNothing(Sections)

    Sections = Section


    Sections = Sections & "," & Section

    End If

    End If

    Return Section

    End Function

    in the Textbox being used to Jump to the report, select Properties and go to the Navigation tab.

    Click the Parameters box.

    For the parameter, use the expression:

    =IIF(Fields!RecordType.Value=1, Fields!Section.Value, Split(Code.Sections, ","))

    For the value of the textbox, use the expression:



    The report code sets a public string variable "Sections"

    The SectionList function adds the current section to the public "Sections" variable, and returns the passed in Section, which is displayed in the table.

    When you jump to the report, if you are on a section (RecordType = 1), then just the section value is passed.

    If you are on the "Total" line, then the Sections variable is passed as a string array. Since this is being passed to a multi-value parameter, this works both ways.



    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Great Job!

    Is your 'Total' line in the footer section of the table?


    Ben Sullins
    Beer is my primary key...

  • Ben Sullins (4/22/2008)

    Great Job!

    Is your 'Total' line in the footer section of the table?


    The Total and Available lines are being returned by the query, so they end up being in the detail rows.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Ah okay...I am going to play with this a little and see if i can make something a little more general for my use. Generally when I am developing reports I calculate the totals in the table footer, having the query just return the detail values.


    Ben Sullins
    Beer is my primary key...

  • I generally do the totals that way also, but this report specified having an "Available" after the "Total". The Total does not include the available. It seemed easier to have the query return the data in this way.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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