Urgent help needed

  • I know this may be a really simple prob for most people on this site but I am having to pick up SSIS on the fly and need urgent help on my Project.

    I have two tables I am trying to import via SSIS and one of them uses a look up table for firstname, middlename, lastname and preferredname. I am using the following queries to extract the data but I am required to have them in one table for SSIS.



    (SELECT Name WHERE nameTypeID = 7780 ) AS NameFirst,

    (SELECT Name where nametypeid = 7781 )AS NameMiddle ,

    (SELECT Name WHERE nameTypeID = 7783 ) AS NamePreferred ,

    (SELECT Name WHERE nameTypeID = 7779 )AS NameLast


    Name N

    INNER JOIN Person p on p.IdentityID=PersonID

    where personid = 11701 -- FOR TESTING PURPOSES






    The query returns the correct results but is presented as follows;

    11701 Shirlie NULL NULL NULL

    11701 NULL Patricia NULL NULL

    11701 NULL NULL NULL Parkinson

    11701 NULL NULL NULL

    Really I need the following;

    11701 Shirlie Patricia Parkinson

    I do know this is simple but please help!

  • Can you put your table definitions (Person and Name) and give us an example of how is your data stored in the tables?

  • Try using CASE

    SELECT N.PersonID

    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp,MAX(CASE N.nameTypeID = 7780 THEN [Name] END) AS NameFirst

    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp,MAX(CASE N.nameTypeID = 7781 THEN [Name] END) AS NameMiddle

    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp,MAX(CASE N.nameTypeID = 7783 THEN [Name] END) AS NamePreferred

    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp,MAX(CASE N.nameTypeID = 7779 THEN [Name] END) AS NameLast

    FROM [Name] N

    GROUP BY N.PersonID

  • Hi, many thanks for your help with this. I ended up using the following tho;

    select PersonID, max(Namefirst) as NameFirst,

    max(Namemiddle) as NameMiddle,

    max(Namepreferred) as NamePreferred,

    max(NameLast) as NameLast





    (SELECT Name WHERE nameTypeID = 7780 ) AS NameFirst, (SELECT Name where nametypeid = 7781 )AS NameMiddle , (SELECT Name WHERE nameTypeID = 7783 ) AS NamePreferred , (SELECT Name WHERE nameTypeID = 7779 )AS NameLast FROM Name N INNER JOIN Person p on p.IdentityID=PersonID where personid = 11701 -- FOR TESTING PURPOSES GROUP BY N.PersonID, NameID, N.Name, n.nametypeid

    ) as mytable group by PersonID

    This returned the requre rowset for me. Once again thanks.

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