Log reader failed with error ''The step did not generate any output. The step failed''

  • Hi ,


    on my production server suddenly log reader agent is showing error 'The step did not generate any output. The step failed' for one of the publisher for other servers log reader is running fine.

    but despite of the error replication is happening with out any issue ,but log reader agent reflects it is failed with red mark with the above error,any suggetion?i tried to rerun manually but no luck.


    sqlserver2000 with sp4



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I believe the replication has stopped for a while and it appears the red cross mark.  It also happens when the publisher disconnects from subscribers for a while (like timeout or if you reboot) but when it sees the subscriber's and the connection re-establishes, then it starts posting the transactions and commands.  If you right click on that Publisher and see whether Start Agent is enabled.

  • it got resolved after rebooting the dist box

  • Hi i just restarted the service for the same problem. but still problem exists

  • Happened to me too. Caused by an interrupted hot-fix deployment. Was fixed by

    replacing sqlserver.exe with the old one (force the hot-fix to deploy itself,

    otherwise refuses) and make sure the setup finish successfully.

  • You can check the Event Log if this is the same case for you, I got there

    SQL Hotfix KBxxx(ENU)installation failed.

    KBxxx(ENU) installation did not complete.


    SQL KBxxx(ENU) uninstall failed.

    Fatal error during installation.

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