database programmaticaly created

  • i had to create in ASP net very huge databases with many tables , key, contraints , stored procedures (the sql creation text file is 200kO), how to create such database programmaticaly, when i try to create a stored procedure in the master database, i got this error create or alter should be the first query in a stored procedure and of course i have at least fivety such 'create or alter' query in my script!! i have a template of the database to create.

    i create the databe using: create database @basename in but how to fill the new database with all my tables and contraints and stored procedures

  • In your script file, you need to have batch terminator "GO". You can have only one "create/alter procedure" etc in one batch

    Then in your asp code, read one batch a time and submit it to SQL server.


  • i found the answer, i reorganize the create database script manually, so tables are created before key, contraints and procedures. when the script is running fine , i save it in a sql text file under sqlserver management studio, after i read the file string and put it in my sqltext command and execute a huge query.

    after i copy some setup data in the tables using sqlbulkcopy as explain in msdn.

    There is no go command in my sql only

    if not exist(blabla..)



    thanks for your help

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