problem with aggregate

  • i have in a matrix a measures desviation (stdev)


    but if have the matrix by rowgroups(program - subprogram - pn ) and column groups(year-quarter-month), without extending, the cells are empty :


    2007 2008

    programa desviation desviation




    if i extending the matrix to level last , the aggregate are ok :


    - 2007



    programa desviation

    - 1 - A PN1 2,1

    PN2 1,3

    - B PN65 3,4

    PN66 5,9

    + C



    my measures in ssas is :

    stdev( [view].[elementID].children, [measures].[days] )

    my view has the columns:

    elementID, program, subprogram, pn, date (yyyy/dd/dd),days

    my dimension time is internal of ssas.


  • A couple of points:

    First, you must make sure you've entered the values in the matrix on the group lines. Look for the cells with a green triangle on the top left and click on the triangle.

    Second, you need to make sure you have RS pull / use the value from the data source (MSAS). Natively, MSAS tries to aggregate (sum) the values, which in many cases isn't correct. For the field, use the value =Aggregate(desviation).

    When pulling data for a matrix, make sure all of the "dimension fields" are referenced on your matrix.

    MSRS treats the data in a "flat data source", so you have to go to some extra steps to make it properly reference MSAS data.

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