Return Info from SP then Update that Info

  • I have a report that displays information based on an item number selected by users. Is it possible to have the data that is returned be updatable? The information is metadata for an item. The user enters preliminary information using another report, but when the item is order, they need to be able to change that information. Am I asking to have my cake and eat it? I know I can set up a report to update each column with blank fields, but I wanted the user to be able to see what was there before.


  • Unfortunately - yes. I think you're asking for the cake, the cake PAN, and the cake knife, all of which would have to be edible:)

    Reporting services is not the place for that. You're looking for some (ASP).NET app, to pull in data, update it and use the updated date in a further report (which would be implicitly read only or disconnected from the original source). VS2005/2008 would help you whip something like that up pretty quickly.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

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