Deadlock handling.

  • Is there any way, a trigger mail/task could be generated when a particular databse gets deadlocked for more than a particular amount of time...say 5 min.


    All the stores which use our production server , are supposed to do a specific task , within a time frame of 3 hrs.Since all of them , update the database at the same time, hence we have frequent deadlocks..which have 2 b monitored and the blocking processes have 2 b killed.

    We run a query evry 30min, when d databsae gets deadlocked...nothin execcutes..all d queries related to the databse are deadlocked.

    i was wondering if there is any script, which can sent a triger mail, when d deadlock doesnot resolve within 5 min. Thanx in advance.

  • I think that

    is helpful...

    However you should take steps to minimize deadlock occurence - BOL ---> Minimizing Deadlocks may be a good starting point...

  • thanx..grasshoper , but that didnt help, what i actually need is an alert , whenever the deadlock exceeds 5 min, call it a deadlock or server hang up, my case all the processes go into waiting around 3-4 min and after that, they automatically start running normally.

    So what i need is an alert, whenever, the deadlock exceeds 5min.

  • selvin_allsmiles (8/14/2008)

    thanx..grasshoper , but that didnt help, what i actually need is an alert , whenever the deadlock exceeds 5 min, call it a deadlock or server hang up, my case all the processes go into waiting around 3-4 min and after that, they automatically start running normally.

    So what i need is an alert, whenever, the deadlock exceeds 5min.

    I seriously doubt that a deadlock last "5" min... A blocking process could but deadlocks are resolved automatically by SQL Server.

    unless your apps are setting LOCK_TIMEOUT very high of course 🙂 ( there is always room for making it worse )

    * Noel

  • 1. Create an Event in SQL Server. Configure it to listen to the SQL Server namespace at \\.\root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ServerEvents\MSSQLSERVER. Make the query of the alert SELECT * FROM DEADLOCK_GRAPH.

    2. Create a table somewhere...

    CREATE TABLE DeadlockEvents

    (AlertTime DATETIME, DeadlockGraph XML) ;


    3. Configure the SQL Server Agent options to allow replacement of process level token.

    4. Create a job to populate the table. Put a step in the job with the following code. Make sure to do this thru the GUI, if you do it thru sp_addjobstep it tanks because of the quotes.

    INSERT INTO DeadlockEvents

    (AlertTime, DeadlockGraph)

    VALUES (getdate(), N''$(ESCAPE_SQUOTE(WMI(TextData)))')

    (I think I got the quotes right on that, test it to make sure.)

    5. Configure the alert to fire the job whenever it triggers.

    6. Write a query to look at the table and see how many times the alert fires within a given time window.

    7. To see the deadlock chart, save the XML as a .xdl file, truncate the leading and trailing [textdata] tags, close and re-open in management studio.

    *EDIT, its an .xdl file, not an .xld file...

  • Also, just so you know... if you choose to trace deadlocking in the log file, there's a new trace flag in 2005 that gives you a lot more information. Try turning on trace flag 1222 to see it.

  • Ideara's Diagnostic manager can setup email elerts and you get alot more info on the db.

  • Daignostic Manager is a fantastic tool. Granted you can probably spend months creating something yourself but why? Agentless based, low impact and footprint, smart monitoring, KLMs pre-configured and totally customizable, and they've just announced SQLMobile DM is now included in the package deal...

    Whats not to like?

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