Killing process from QA

  • Hi,

    Can anyone tell me how we can kill similar processes at a time in Taskmanger from QA....

    Like..If i have 5 process running and all of processnames like test.exe,tester.exe,tempo.exe,terminal.exe...

    Now how i can kill all process having starting letter 'te' and any extension....


  • visit the scripts site on this forum. There are lots of scripts to kill connections based on some criteria such as dbid. amend one of them to suit your needs. the filter will be a column in the master.sysprocesses table.

    heres one I have used (test it first)

    declare @spid int,

    @ntuser varchar(15),

    @dbName varchar(30),

    @message varchar(80),

    @statement nvarchar(30)

    declare xc cursor


    select spid, nt_username,

    from sysprocesses sp,

    sysdatabases sd

    where sp.dbid = sd.dbid

    and in ('Credit','n')

    open xc

    fetch next from xc into @spid,@ntuser,@dbName

    while (@@fetch_status = 0)


    set @message = 'killing User ' + convert(varchar(12),@spid) + ' ' + @ntuser + ' in database ' + @dbname

    print @message

    set @statement = 'kill ' + convert(varchar(12),@spid)

    print @statement

    exec sp_executesql @statement

    fetch next from xc into @spid,@ntuser,@dbName


    close xc

    deallocate xc


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