TransactionLogBackup Maintenance Plan Trying to Backup Simple DBs

  • I have a maintenance plan that performs a transaction log backup on all user databases. In the database selection menu there is a warning "Databases with simple recovery will be excluded"; this is exactly what I want. The plan is still trying to backup my databases that are set to simple recovery model; which causes and error "Database 'Patients' will not be backed up because it does not have its recovery model set to Full or BulkLogged". The outcome is what I want; transaction log backups for my full recovery model databases and no transaction log for my simple recovery model databases. But the error makes it look like the job failed. Am I wrong in thinking that simple recovery model databases should be EXCLUDED from transaction log backup task?


  • No you are not wrong in your thinking.

    But it does sound like you have the database 'patients' chosen to have the log backup executed. These databases should not be selected in your maintenance plan setup.

    Setting up a database in Simple recovery does not 'prepare' or 'flag' the database to be skipped. If your maintenance plan has your Simple recovery databases selected, then it will still attempt the log backup.

  • I have tested this on version 9.0.3068 and to me it looks like a bug.

    I have a backup stored procedure that has this functionality. Please use that if you like.

    Ola Hallengren

  • I think that the question is how to read the message "Databases with simple recovery model will be exluded." in the database selection form.

    It looks like it only means that they are not listed in the form. (You can not select a database that is in Simple recovery model.)

    It doesn't look like they're skipped dynamically at execution time.

    So maybe it's not a bug after all. Maybe it's just this way it works.

    Ola Hallengren

  • I'm using the all users database option. So I can see why the database would be backed up. But microsoft makes it look like they will be excluded from the backup. Why wouldn't this feature be included with log backups? I have no reason to run a log backup with recovery mode set to simple. At least offer a collection of only full and bulk recovery model databases. If I select the databases to be backed up will new databases automaticaly be checked or will I have to modify the maintenance plan?

    I really like those stored procedures! This may be the route I end up going.

  • Like mentioned above it's how you read "Databases with simple recovery model will be exluded". This is just excluding the DBs from the selection list. The problem I run into with using the selection list is everytime I create a new database I have to update the maintenance plan to include it. Are there better methods?

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