Using an Update Statement

  • Hi, I am new to writing scripts in SQL but I am trying to do some custom stuff for an application that we have.  I want to do an update statement to update field in a database and I have posted the transact SQL code below but would like to put that in a stored procedure so that I can call the stored procedure from a batch file during the night.  Can this be done or does anyone know of a better way to do this??  Thanks in advance for your help!!

    update table_name

    set column_name = 'value'


  • Yes it can be done. Are u planning to update the columns for all the rows in the table or few rows(based on selection criteria). The statement u have will update all the rows in the table.



  • Yes, I want to do all rows.



  • CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Upd_TableName




    UPDATE dbo.Table_Name

    SET column_name = @Value



    Prasad Bhogadi

  • How do I specify the actual value that I want?  I want to set that value.

  • If you know the value that you need to update you can directly use it in the update statement

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Upd_TableName



    UPDATE dbo.Table_Name

    SET column_name = 'Prasad'


    But it would be same for all the records and is it the desired functionality you are looking at?


    Prasad Bhogadi

  • Prasad assumed you would pass the value in as a parameter to the stored procedure. If this is the case, your SQL command to run the SP would look like:

             Exec sp_Update_TableName 'Value'

    if "value" is a character data type, else

             Exec sp_Update_TableName Value

    if it is numeric.


  • Perfect that works just like I want it.  The thing is is that we have an application that does not recognize alpha characters so I am changing it in SQL after it is populated.  Thanks for your help!!



  • Probabaly you may not want to use sp_ as prefix for you stored procedure as it is meant for the system stored procedures. I assume Monte just used it for an example purpose.


    Prasad Bhogadi

  • Prasad,

    I actually used your example so I didn't use sp_ as prefix.  Thanks alot!!


  • If you want this to happen to every value that is entered into the database, you may want to consider an insert and/or update trigger. This is code that is run whenever a statement modifies data (insert, update, delete). This way your change happens immediately, and you don't have to wait until after the scheduled stored proc is run.

  • I have not set up a trigger before but that sounds like it would actually be better.  Can you help me out with the syntax of that?

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