Corrupted indexes on just one table

  • We have a case where just one table--a heavily used one--keeps getting its indexes corrupted.  This table is part of a large OLTP database--more than 1,000 tables with the database mostly in fourth normal form.

    If we stop everything and rebuild the indexes on this table, things will go fine for ten minutes or so.  Then, things will slow down (extremely) and we find that the indexes are again corrupted.

    What can cause this kind of thing to happen?

    I apologize in advance if this is covered elsewhere in the forum.  I just couldn't find the right reference.

    Thanks for your help.

    Richard D. Cushing
    Sr. Consultant

  • Richard

    More information, please.  Is it all the indexes on this table, and if so have you rebuilt them all, including the clustered index (if there is one)?  How do you know that the indexes are corrupt, and which ones?  How are you rebuilding the indexes?  DDL for the table and indexes would also be helpful.


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