Optimizing Query

  • I need to optimize the below script. The tblTransactionHistoryC has over 210 million rows and tblTransactionsC has over 26million rows. Its SQL 2000 DB on SP4.

    -- MWD 08/19/08

    -- Update all Transactions sitting incorrectly in BS Status to the appropriate status

    -- And eliminate the last BS record

    begin tran

    -- Declare the cursor variables

    Declare @@lngTransactionCnt int

    Declare @@strStatus varchar(2)

    Declare @@strStatusDate varchar(8)

    Declare @@strStatusTime varchar(4)

    -- Start the Cursor

    -- Get the records where 'BS' follows 'BF'|'BN'|'BP'|'BV|BO'

    Declare GISCursor CURSOR


    Select lngTransactionCnt, strStatus, strStatusDate, strStatusTime

    from tblTransactionHistoryC with (nolock)

    where strStatus in ('BP', 'BN', 'BF', 'BV', 'BO') and strOperator is NULL and strSource = 'FPBackground' and lngSiteNr = 654 and lngTransactionCnt > 23577441 and lngTransactionCnt in

    (select lngTransactionCnt from tblTransactionsC with (nolock) where strStatusDate > '20080412' and strStatus = 'BS' and lngSiteNr = 654)

    order by lngTransactionCnt, strStatusDate, strStatusTime

    Open GISCursor

    -- Loop through

    -- If the encountered record is 'BS', then delete it from the History Table

    -- If it's one of the other B's, then update the transaction record to that status

    Fetch Next from GISCursor into @@lngTransactionCnt, @@strStatus, @@strStatusDate, @@strStatusTime;

    While @@Fetch_Status = 0


    Update tblTransactionsC set strStatus = @@strStatus where lngTransactionCnt = @@lngTransactionCnt

    Delete from tblTransactionHistoryC

    where lngTransactionCnt = @@lngTransactionCnt and

    strStatus = 'BS' and

    strStatusDate + strStatusTime > @@strStatusDate + @@strStatusTime

    Fetch Next from GISCursor into @@lngTransactionCnt, @@strStatus, @@strStatusDate, @@strStatusTime;


    Close GISCursor

    Deallocate GISCursor

    Select lngTransactionCnt, strStatus, strStatusDate, strStatusTime from tblTransactionHistoryC where lngTransactionCnt in (26939755, 26903441);

    select lngTransactionCnt, strStatus from tblTransactionsC where lngTransactionCnt in (26903441, 26939755);

    Thanks in Advance!!!


    "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

  • Please provide your table definitions. Some test data, and desired output would be nice too.

    See this link for some guidelines on how to do this: http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog: MovingSQL.com, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • this could be better implemented as mention below...

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tbl') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #tbl

    CREATE TABLE #tbl(

    lngTransactionCnt int PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,

    strStatus varchar(2),

    strStatusDate varchar(8),

    strStatusTime varchar(4)


    INSERT #tbl

    SELECT lngTransactionCnt, strStatus, strStatusDate, strStatusTime

    FROM tblTransactionHistoryC tmpA

    with (nolock)

    WHERE strStatus in ('BP', 'BN', 'BF', 'BV', 'BO')

    and strOperator is NULL

    and strSource = 'FPBackground'

    and lngSiteNr = 654

    and lngTransactionCnt > 23577441

    and EXISTS (select lngTransactionCnt from tblTransactionsC tmpB

    with (nolock)

    where strStatusDate > '20080412'

    and strStatus = 'BS'

    and lngSiteNr = 654

    and tmpA.lngTransactionCnt = tmpB.lngTransactionCnt




    UPDATE tmpA

    SET tmpA.strStatus = @@strStatus

    FROM tblTransactionsC tmpA

    JOIN #tbl tmpB ON tmpA.lngTransactionCnt = tmpB.lngTransactionCnt


    FROM tmpA

    FROM tblTransactionsC tmpA

    JOIN #tbl tmpB ON tmpA.lngTransactionCnt = tmpB.lngTransactionCnt

    and tmpA.strStatus = 'BS'

    and tmpA.strStatusDate + tmpA.strStatusTime > tmpB.strStatusDate + tmpB.strStatusTime






    Select lngTransactionCnt, strStatus, strStatusDate, strStatusTime from tblTransactionHistoryC where lngTransactionCnt in (26939755, 26903441);

    select lngTransactionCnt, strStatus from tblTransactionsC where lngTransactionCnt in (26903441, 26939755);

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tbl') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #tbl

    Abhijit - http://abhijitmore.wordpress.com

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