Need help in modifying script to change fill factor on DBCC DBREINDEX

  • I found the following script which seems to work fine for re-creating the indexes and removing fragmentation, but I'd like to get some suggestions on how I can modify it to use 90% fill factor vs the current fill factor.


    Appreciate replies


    Here's the script:



      Created: 12/18/2002

      Created By: AJ Ahrens - SQL DBA AT&T Labs x3375

      Purpose(s): Dynamically reindex table(s)

      Note-This script keep original fill factor



    DECLARE @TableName VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @IndexName VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @OrigFillFactor INTEGER

    DECLARE @OuterCounter INTEGER

    DECLARE @InnerCounter INTEGER





    SELECT SO.[name] tblName, MAX(SI.OrigFillFactor) OrigFillFactor,

      '01/01/1900 12:00:00AM' ReIndexedDtTm, SI.[name] IndexName,

      CASE WHEN SI.indid = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ClusteredYN

    INTO #IndexedTables

    FROM sysindexes SI

      LEFT JOIN sysobjects SO ON SI.[id] = SO.[id]

    WHERE xtype = 'U' AND SI.indid <> 0 AND SI.indid <> 255

    GROUP BY SO.[name], SI.[name], SI.indid

    SET @OuterCounter = 1

    SET @OuterLoop = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT tblName) FROM #IndexedTables)

      WHILE @OuterCounter <= @OuterLoop


          SET @TableName = (SELECT TOP 1 tblName FROM #IndexedTables WHERE ReIndexedDtTm = '01/01/1900 12:00:00AM')

     SET @InnerCounter = 1

     SET @InnerLoop = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #IndexedTables WHERE tblName = @TableName)

     WHILE @InnerCounter <= @InnerLoop


         SET @IndexName = (SELECT TOP 1 IndexName FROM #IndexedTables WHERE ClusteredYN = 1

        AND tblName = @TableName AND ReIndexedDtTm = '01/01/1900 12:00:00AM')

         SET @ClusteredYN = 1

         IF RTRIM(@IndexName) IS NULL


      SET @IndexName = (SELECT TOP 1 IndexName FROM #IndexedTables WHERE ClusteredYN = 0

        AND tblName = @TableName AND ReIndexedDtTm = '01/01/1900 12:00:00AM')

      SET @ClusteredYN = 0


         SET @OrigFillFactor = (SELECT OrigFillFactor FROM #IndexedTables

        WHERE tblName = @TableName AND ClusteredYN = @ClusteredYN

         AND IndexName = @IndexName)

         SET @strSQL = 'DBCC DBREINDEX ' + '(' + CHAR(39) + @TableName + CHAR(39)

      + CHAR(44) + SPACE(1) + CHAR(39) + @IndexName + CHAR(39) + CHAR(44)

      + SPACE(1) + CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), RTRIM(@OrigFillFactor)) + ')'

         PRINT @strSQL

         EXEC sp_executesql @strSQL

         UPDATE #IndexedTables SET ReIndexedDtTm = GETDATE() WHERE tblName = @TableName

      AND ClusteredYN = @ClusteredYN AND IndexName = @IndexName

         SET @InnerCounter = @InnerCounter + 1


          SET @OuterCounter = @OuterCounter + 1





  • I am bit confused as to why you want to do this, but if all you want to do is use a fixed fill factor of 90 for ALL tables, then you could replace the set @OrigFillFactor statement

    SET @OrigFillFactor = (SELECT OrigFillFactor FROM #IndexedTables

        WHERE tblName = @TableName AND ClusteredYN = @ClusteredYN

         AND IndexName = @IndexName)

    with the following statement.

    SET @OrigFillFactor = 90

    However, this will end up setting the fillfactor for all tables to be 90. Are you sure you want to be doing that?

    I feel the need - the need for speed

    CK Bhatia

  • Thnxs for you input, its did the trick.  Fill factors from what I have read, benefit with a large fill if the database is mainly read, and doesn't have to read multiple pages like s small fill would.  However write I/O would suffer with a large fill factor as multiple pages would need to be accessed.  Our current fill is 0, but one of our Peoplesoft Databases is mainly read.

    It would be nice if one had the ability to run a script that would give the statistics on % of how much a table was read activity vs write.

  • If you can isolate your table on physical disk, then you can set a perfmon counters with physical writes\reads for that drive, or you can set a profiler trace for that table with writes\reads, capturing all that data to the table and then writing a query for a particular time interval

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